Her name is Rio

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South America » Brazil » Rio de Janeiro » Rio de Janeiro » Botafogo
December 29th 2016
Published: December 31st 2016
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Tabbatinga to Tiradentes

Manaus is a little bit dull but it has several million inhabitants, a very nice Opera house and science institution with giant otters and mantee, unfortunately for us it was closed, so we decided to move on to Rio early Christmas morning.

Rio is like a beautiful woman it just takes your breath away, the forests, mountains, beaches and just the vibe of the inhabitants is intoxicating even for someone like me who thinks they have seen it all. We took the cable car to the top of the Sugar loaf discovered a troop of cotton top tamarins and just marvelled at the wonderful panoramas. Next we visited Copacabana perhaps my favourite beach to feel and experience the beach culture that is clearly the passion of this city. Ensconced in one of the many beachside bars that line the promenade we drank Caipirinhas and watched the cities inhabitants at play until early evening before returning to our hotel.

Next morning we decided to travel north of Rio and back in time to the colonial village of Tiradentes, cobble streets, horse drawn carts, you get the picture. I liked the place even though it is something of a tourist trap, but we both feel the lure of Rio and so we decided to return.

Ipanema! We have all heard the old song, was an eye opener I have never seen so many people crammed into one beach, not my cup off tea so we returned to Copacabana and watched foot volleyballers and drank more Caipirinhas. When we decided to move on we scored a cab whose driver reeled off the names of half a dozen Aussie bands and sang Cure songs with us all the way back to Botofoga.

Next day we avoided the bars although we did wander down to Botofoga beach, we also tried to visit Christ the Redeemer but unfortunately the statue was fogged in.

Additional photos below
Photos: 28, Displayed: 23


Sugar loaf cable carSugar loaf cable car
Sugar loaf cable car

Rio de janeiro
Copacabana beachCopacabana beach
Copacabana beach

Rio de janeiro
The Sugar Loaf The Sugar Loaf
The Sugar Loaf

Rio de Janeiro
Looking down from sugar loafLooking down from sugar loaf
Looking down from sugar loaf

Tiny rock climbers scale the face
Cotton top TamarinCotton top Tamarin
Cotton top Tamarin

Rio de janeiro

Football pitchFootball pitch
Football pitch

Copacabana beach
Promenade Promenade

Cocacabana beach
Foot volleyball Foot volleyball
Foot volleyball

I love me who do you loveI love me who do you love
I love me who do you love

Copacabana beach
As darkness fallsAs darkness falls
As darkness falls

Copacabana beach

Copacabana beach

3rd January 2017
So close you could touch him

Rio and more
You've seen some wonderful things. This is a nice one.

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