The Road To Rio!

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South America » Brazil » Rio de Janeiro » Paraty
January 25th 2008
Published: February 6th 2008
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The small colonial streets of Paraty.
So people its been a couple of weeks since I last bared my soul to you (and for those of you who saw my facebook profile my pasty rear!)

With about a week to go before Carnaval, we decided to head along the South coast of Brazil to the small colonial town of Paraty. Other than the cobbled streets, quiet bay and plentiful seafood restaurants, there´s not much here to do, but baring in mind Carnaval is just round the corner it´s probably for the best! The proverbial calm before the storm.

Well you´ve pretty much established by now that we like to freestyle and ´wing it´. This time however we did do some forward planning and Brad spoke to the hostel in Paraty too see if they had availibility...´yeah no problems we are quiet at the moment', imagine how chuffed we were then after our long bus journey via Sao Paulo and arriving at the hostel at 10pm, only to find the hostel was full. At least they helped us find accommodation in a Pousada (a guesthouse) around the corner.

So after a day spent chilling on the quiet beach of Paraty, we moved on to the
Pizza for BrekkiePizza for BrekkiePizza for Brekkie cant eat healthy all the time!
even smaller bohemian surf town of Trindade. The downside was we couldn´t actually do any surfing as the waves were crashing right on the shore. This of course meant we had to spend another day on the beach, sometimes life can be a real bitch. Then of course it rained. As you´ve probably established by now, we can keep ourselves amused by the simplest of things. So when we found some large boulders at the end of the beach, what better to do than mess about jumping off them for your photographic viewing pleasure. In the evening we met some locals and had a conversation that went a little bit like this....

Locals; There´s a party. (I think they meant it as a question.)
Us; Is there where?
Locals; Where´s the party?
Us; We thought you said there´s a party.

At this stage both we all just looked at each othe smiling til they walked away. I think we are doing pretty well on the international realtions department.

So after a sleepless night on a paper thin mattress, we headed back to Paraty to meet some friends from our earlier tour. We actually managed to get in
Street performers in ParatyStreet performers in ParatyStreet performers in Paraty

Boom Boom Boom Boom, Bang Bang Bang Bang......
the hostel this time too. The highlight or lowlight (dependent on wether you are Brad or not) is that he has had his debit card cloned and they have robbed alot of money from his bank account. Now this on its own isn´t funny. However what is amusing is that 6 days before, he lost his credit card and cancelled it. Only to find it the day after his debit card had been cloned.

We head out for the night and go to some local bars, most of which I cant remember as me and Brad were hitting the rum and coke. I do remember both of us waiting outside our accommodation door at 3 in the morning as Chris had the key and we managed to lose him. I would have happily slept outside the door in my state. Brad however is not so patient and pretty much pushed the door in...only to be confronted by and old man shouting at us. We managed to calm him down when he realised we didn´t want to rob the place.

Our last port of call on the road to Rio is Angra Dos Reis. This quaint fishing town is

The bohemian surf town
inbetween Paraty and Rio. So only two hours on the bus, which is just as well. Brad is not good on hangovers and spends most of the day comatose. There really isn´t much to do here at all and everybody seems to live on a staple diet of fruit smoothies, assorted baked pastry goods and pizza. Not much else to say about it really, other than it rained the whole time we were there.......

So here it is people, next stop.........Rio De Janeiro.

Bring on one of the new 7 wonders of the world, the endless partying, the beaches, bikinis, samba, football and hopefully sun!

Additional photos below
Photos: 10, Displayed: 10


Said ´Boulders on Trindade beach´Said ´Boulders on Trindade beach´
Said ´Boulders on Trindade beach´

How epic.....think Point Break people!

Nearly broke my arm landing this one......idiot.
Seeing Double......Seeing Double......
Seeing Double......

Bloody hell, who would have thought we would meet the spirits of ´The Proclaimers´ on Trindade beach!

Just kidding, its a turtle swimming off the bay in Angra Dos Reis
Angra Dos ReisAngra Dos Reis
Angra Dos Reis

Boring piccy I know.....
The Queen (No, not Freddie Mercury)The Queen (No, not Freddie Mercury)
The Queen (No, not Freddie Mercury)

Pre Carnaval parade in Angra Dos Reis

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