We are still living...

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South America » Argentina » Buenos Aires » Buenos Aires
April 17th 2024
Published: April 17th 2024
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This one is for all the naysayers out there who said we'd never make it...we're OK here in hot and humid Buenos Aires.

The BA journey was pretty long, not helped by the slobbering character sleeping next to me on the plane (no, not Laura) and the 25 Argentinian youngsters returning from their degree course at the Finsbury Park School of Applied English (cash only, terms and conditions apply).

I arrived without incident and successfully booked into the wonderful Garden House Hostel in the San Telmo neighborhood of the city. Great hotel - not too many people staying, so no late-night raucous mobs to disrupt my beauty sleep...sort ly tailored toward the traveling population in a good way.My only complaint is a lack of air conditioning (that we've noticed) and the lack of a private bathroom. Otherwise, it's inexpensive, conveniently accessible, and manned by polite, knowledgeable employees...oh, and they have a television that broadcasts Champions League matches live.

We haven't done much since we arrived, aside from a quick trip to San Telmo yesterday for a meat-fueled dinner...meat is a major component of the diet here (similar to potatoes in Ireland), and the price allows for some very unhealthy portions - dinner yesterday cost six quid for food (sorry, meat) and nice wine.They claim this city is like old Europe, and I kind of agree. San Telmo is full with gorgeous wooden-panelled bars reminiscent of the old-style coffee houses found in Vienna or perhaps even Lisbon. Given what I've observed thus far, Lisbon is the city to which I'd most like to compare this...laid back, cheap, hot, and busy.

Anyone back home reading this will undoubtedly be wondering how I'm doing without (no, not for work) the Blackberry...well, the patient is doing well so far, and the prognosis is generally optimistic. In fact, I've only turned on my phone twice in the last 24 hours in anticipation of texts, of which there have been none.

They have Internet access here as well, so I'll be fine.

Where did I put the glass of wine...?


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