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Running in Kamianets-Podilskyi, Ukraine  

Running in Kamianets-Podilskyi, Ukraine

In the background you see Kamianets-Podilskyi Castle
Running all over the World

November 12th 2015
Places where we have been known to run We enjoy running very much so we try to run regularly both when we are at home and when we are on vacation. We find that running is a good way to stay in shape and a also great way to do sightseeing. We usually carry a camera with us on our sightseeing runs and some of the photos we have taken over the years we have now collected in this blog entry. All t ... read more
13th November 2015

I'm not a runner but I've known several passionate runners who would agree with your statement "Running...Is my mental Ctrl+Alt+Delete" !
14th November 2015

Running - easy to perform but hard on the body
Running as an exercise is good because it is so easy to perform. All you need is a pair of shoes. One downside though is that it is tough on the body. Knees and feet take a punch with every step. /Ake

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