The Marianas Islands

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March 14th 2012
Published: March 14th 2012
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<strong style="mso-bidi-font-weight: normal;">Wednesday 14th March 2012:

Sorry to rub it in but this has been yet another day of indulgent rest and relaxation. A long chatty breakfast led to us being, yet again, the last people out of the restaurant. A lovely lady who dined with us has to leave the ship tomorrow as her husband had a heart attack on board yesterday so he’s being air lifted back to Australia. What a sad thing to cause the curtailment of such a wonderful holiday.

We have had a much happier day including another excellent maritime lecture; this time on that perpetual subject of fascination – the Titanic. They re-assessed the sinking a few years ago using modern computer technology. They established that the total square footage of the damage done to the hull amounted to just over one square meter. The hole gauged by the iceberg was only 4 to 5 inches high but it was very long and flooded one too many of the watertight compartments. They also learnt that if the ship had hit the iceberg head on, it would not have sunk. All fascinating stuff.

Later we went to a champagne bash at the art gallery as they had a very good exhibition of Rolf Harris artwork. We’ve never seen so much of his work in one place and it was fascinating to look at. Not surprisingly, we didn’t buy a thing.

This afternoon we swam and enjoyed the fun and games of waves inside the swimming pool again. The Queen Mary 2 is so much bigger than the Elizabeth and it seems to swallow up any choppiness in the sea much more effectively … but not completely. Which is good because those waves are really good fun.

Tomorrow we land in Saipan in the Marianas Islands. Apart from some seriously gruesome World War II stories, this area is most famous for the Marianas Trench which is the deepest water on the planet. If you dropped anything overboard, you’d never get it back from here because the water is 6 miles deep. I find that dimension staggering. That’s Richard and my journey to the bank from home which takes us about half an hour in traffic. To stand that distance on its head and float boats on the top just blows my mind. Amazing. I think I need dinner and a drink now just to recover!


19th March 2012

I red all your blogs:-)
Hi Mr. and Mrs. Tilsons. My name is Con San Nicolas. I leave here in Saipan and i work for GTC elementary school. Its very sad to hear early in the morning that QM2 is not going to stop by in Saipan port anymore. The news spread like skyscraper while i was in my morning supervision that day, right when the student's and my co-workers get down from the bus and their cars the first thing that they were telling me QM2 is not going to stop by at dock anymore:-( everyone was excited every students were excited before to news came out..We were excited to see this luxury ship. Everyone is getting ready with their cameras. But after we red and heard from the news that it's because of the bad weather that's why you guys can't come and see our beautiful island anymore we understand the situation you and the other visitors safety is more important . After 2 days for some reason i started to be more curious about cruise ship i research a lot and wow.... amazing pictures i found in Google i saw the inside of QM2 and it was fabulous!! and i started reading all your blogs:-) it is great because i can share it to my students who was looking forward to see you guys the day you guys supposed to come. I'm very sorry if i'm not really good English because its not my first language i came from Philippines that's why:-) your journey with your husband is truly amazing!! now, i have a future plans in riding one of the luxury ship like QM2 in the future. Not now- but someday. i heard its pretty pricey availing this cruising thing. Someday when i get rich ill be posting in this travel blog also hahahhaha!!!you guys have a safe trip!! i will be following your blogs every now and then:-)
8th May 2012

Hello again
Hello again Con San Nicolas. The English is lovely and my husband and I enjoyed reading your comments. Please tell your students that we were just as sad that we could not come ashore and see your island and maybe wave to all of you. We're delighted to read our blog as you will know what an incredible trip we have had travelling the whole way round the planet. We are very lucky to have been able to do this and to do it on the Queen Elizabeth and Queen Mary 2 ships made it extra special. I think your students are very lucky to have you. None of my teachers would ever have thought of bringing things like travel blogs into class. But then I went to school long before the interest had been invented! So again, our thanks to you for taking the trouble to send us a comment. Please pass on our very best wishes to all your students. And to you. Best wishes Claire and Richard Tilson

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