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February 29th 2024
Published: March 1st 2024
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I'm leaving Queenstown after three months. Three months.....somehow it feels like it has been both less and more than that. Time passed in the blink of an eye, makong it unbelieveble that it's actually been this long, nur there are so many memories packed into these three months that it feels like it has been much longer. Leaving Queenstown and the people I met behind is really wired, especially, because if I return in the future most of them will be gone aswell. That's the thing in a city full of travellers, there is always someone leaving and someone new arriving taking their place.
I am now sitting in the bus to Dunedin and I am equally as sad about leaving this chapter behind as I am exited for the adventures ahead of me. I'll spent a few days in Dunedin and then Christchurch before flying back up to Nelson to visit golden bay. Then I'll leave the south island behind and make my way to the north island where I have a job lined up in Rotorua. But that is still two weeks out and a lot can happen in that time.....
The last few weeks were filled with after work drinks, spending time with my colleagues and making trips to the bead shop. I went to Wanaka and Arrowtown and did a wine tasting. For my leaving drinks we all went to the silent Disco in wednesday, since it was one of my favorite things to do in Queenstown. I'll miss it greatly. I'll also miss patagonias ice cream and chocolate, balls and bangels (Donut and bagel place), the german bread from ferg, the lake, the ducks, but most importantly all the people that made these three months unforgettable.
Thank you!

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