A taste of New Zealand...

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Kaikoura
April 1st 2014
Published: September 28th 2014
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New Zealand at last! Not exactly the trip that we originally planned as it was going to be a much, much shorter one, nevertheless I was very excited to visit this green, mountainous and a far, far away land. Originally we were supposed to come to the ‘Hobbitland’ for a month in November. Unexpected job offer and a decision to settle in Oz made us change the plans though and visit my homeland (... Read Full Entry

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gotta love old trams!gotta love old trams!
gotta love old trams!

in Christchurch

28th September 2014
clouds hanging low above Kaikoura...

Gorgeous Kiwiland
I've always wanted to go to NZ, and you've certainly whet my appetite! How great to that trekking mountains are so close to the city, and that the next day you got to see a whale, dolphins, seals and that weird seaweed. Glad to hear Christchurch is being creative in its recovery too. Hope you can get back in shape in Oz and then do and blog of some fab trekking in those southern Alps.
28th September 2014
clouds hanging low above Kaikoura...

Gorgeous Kiwiland...
Thanks Tara! I was very lucky indeed to to see so many amazing creatures and do a little bit of trekking in such a short time... Next time more of Southern Alps for sure!
29th September 2014

New Zealand
Gotta get back there. I often say its the World's second most beautiful country (Chile is my number 1) and its so close to Sydney. Gotta get back there. Must be nice for Grant. Enjoy your time there.
2nd October 2014

New Zealand
Thanks Dave. Now certainly Chile got my attention! Only saw a small part of New Zealand and there are still many more beautiful places to explore there... So I do need to get back there as well...
2nd October 2014

New Zealand
An amazing country. It is still Dave's favorite. The two times I've been there I spent a month and both times said I needed to stay longer next time. Hopefully that will happen. There is beauty around every corner. You've captured the essence of the country in your wonderful photos. Eager to read more.
14th October 2014

New Zealand
Thanks MJ :-) It's very easy to fall in love with this green and jolly country for sure! Hopefully next time I'll have a chance to explore a bit more and hope you'll get a chance to do the same as well! Regards
15th October 2014
sperm whale waving goodbye...

Sperm Whale Waving Goodbye
Hi Anna, enjoyed this account of your visit to Kaikoura... it really is a beautiful place isn't it? Very envious of your shot of the Whale Fluke too. We didn't do one of those trips when we passed through some years ago because they just seemed a bit beyond our means... being the tight backpackers that we were. Wish we had done one now... worth it for a photo like that. Ah well - next time perhaps!
28th October 2014
sperm whale waving goodbye...

Sperm whale waving goodbye
Thanks guys. Happy to hear you enjoyed my blog. The whale tour was pretty tough on our budget also and if we were spending a month in NZ rather than few days, we probably would've skipped it due to its price as well... Very happy we decided to go ahead with it though. Totally worth it! And it's one in a life time probably...who knows...
23rd May 2018

Good nature blog
I really enjoyed your blog and your photos. You show lots of landscapes and animals.

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