Beer and Chocolate

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February 19th 2007
Published: February 22nd 2007
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Te Anau to Christchurch

My chosen professionMy chosen professionMy chosen profession

Speights Brewery
Had a bit of a lie in this morning did get going till around 9.30am, we are travelling about three hours to Dunedin today. We took a short detour to Nugget Point on the way which is famous for its seals. After an 8km drive along a dirt road and a 15 minute walk along the cliff face we arrived at the light house, at first we could see very little but after a while we began picking out seals basking in the sun and playing in the tidal pools. We could hear the pups squeaking and barking, it was unusual because there were three different species of seal including some really big Eliphant Seals which is why we went there. We stayed there much longer than we expected it was truly an amazing sight.

On arriving in Dunedin we had a problem getting accomodation, it is a University town and with classes starting all the parents had brought their kids in and booked nearly every room in town. We were lucky to get a really tiny cabin in the caravan park we even had to hire linen, but it was better than sleeping on a beach or in the

The road to Dunedin
car. I booked us on a brewery and the Cadbury tours. We then headed for the Speights Brewery where I went a bit crazy swilling drinks as fast as could, not a bad drop Speights but they have had 130 years to perfect it.

After getting a wee bit drunk we went back to the dog box, where we went to the recreation room and played some pool and table tennis.

Next morning we were off to the cadbury tour which was pretty good and we managed to pinch a fair bit of product before buying a fair bit more afterwards. It was then on to the Otago Peninsular to see some Albatross and the Yellow Eyed Penguins which are really rare, when we were preparing for the tour the guide said we would be luck to see six birds, but I swear every time I looked around there was another one, I spotted about six myself.

Towards the end of the tour I saw an adult bird trundling down the beach toward the water he moved like a midget, anyway he was heading for the water when he came across a huge sea lion, he stopped
Nugget Point seal colonyNugget Point seal colonyNugget Point seal colony

The road to Dunedin
looked at it, wandered around a bit then made a dash for the water all very funny.

We then headed for the town of Oamaru where it was easier to book a room for the night we had plenty of Chinese food and watched Australia screw up the cricket again, Christchurch tomorrow.

Additional photos below
Photos: 17, Displayed: 17


Anyone for a skullAnyone for a skull
Anyone for a skull

Speights Brewery
Brew tankBrew tank
Brew tank

Speights Brewery

Speights Brewery
Yellow eyed Penguin ColonyYellow eyed Penguin Colony
Yellow eyed Penguin Colony

Shit is that a penguin eating seal?
Yellow eyed Penguin ColonyYellow eyed Penguin Colony
Yellow eyed Penguin Colony

I believe it is, what do I do?

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