Berkeley River and beyond.

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April 21st 2017
Published: April 21st 2017
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Schedule for the day!Schedule for the day!Schedule for the day!

Each evening, Sam and Tim would outline the next day's excursions on the whiteboard so that we knew what would be happening when.
23rd March 2017

Up a little after 5 this morning and sorted out a few things in the cabin. Breakfast was at 6.30 am - wonderful buffet spread, lots of food but tried to keep things sensible. 7.30 saw us boarding the jet boat and heading for the Berkeley River. We travelled all the way to the entry of fresh water and on the way saw many amazing waterfalls. At Amphitheatre falls, Sam took the boat right in to the falls and we all had a refreshing shower. No photos of that because the strength of the water was fierce and we didn't want to get the cameras and other stuff wet. Such an adventure we are having and this is only our first full day! Took lots of photos and will cull out any that are not so good.

The gorge goes pretty much the full length of the river with high rock walls all around us. One waterfall is 100 metres high and all of them had strong falls of water because of the big wet.

Came back to the boat for morning tea at 10.45 and set off immediately
Kimberley Quest IIKimberley Quest IIKimberley Quest II

The KQII anchored at Reveley Island while we headed in to the Berkeley River.
for Seaplane Bay. Lunch was served while we were cruising. Prawns and chicken with cous cous salad and greens. Yum.

After lunch we headed over to seaplane bay in the tinnies. It seemed a long way and the KQII was out of sight behind another peninsula. There was another water fall falling into a small stream just behind the bay and we went up and looked at it. There was also a large red salmon swimming around in the inlet with a big lure foul hooked in the side of it. Couldn't catch it though.

Around at seaplane bay where apparently years ago there were several blokes who had to ditch their seaplane due to lack of fuel. They thought they were in the NT but were in WA instead. Finally rescued after 40 days, I think.

I walked up to the shack at the back of the beach and over the sand dune. It was tough as there were lots of prickly spinifex bushes and other sticky leaf plants and a couple of rolls of wire and stuff left behind by dumb people.

There were also a
Waterfall on the BerkeleyWaterfall on the BerkeleyWaterfall on the Berkeley

One of several. The first we saw on our way up the river.
few turtle skeletons left on the beach.

I attempted to walk across the beach on the sand, but we couldn't walk too close to the water because of jelly fish and crocs so I got slower and slower and finally went back to the boats. Captain Sam took pity on me and drove me back around to the waterfall for a cooling shower. Lovely!

Then the bilge pump failed and we had a little drama cleaning it out and then off loading four of the crew onto another boat so Ian and I rode back in solitary state.

I made the decision not to go over to see the aboriginal engravings as I didn't like the look of the rocky landing so instead had a shower and washed my hair.

Heading for King George RIver before dinner.

Spent a leisurely few hours travelling up to KGR whilst sipping drinks on the bow. eventually headed inside while the boat was manoeuvred into position inside the KGR bar. Another beautiful meal (Morrocan Lamb) was served, together with almond and apple flan.

Early to bed
Tim Showering on the bow of the jet boat.Tim Showering on the bow of the jet boat.Tim Showering on the bow of the jet boat.

Some of the waterfalls were more gentle than others and we were able to go for a shower on the front of the boat.
in anticipation of our trip up the gorge at day break.

Additional photos below
Photos: 9, Displayed: 9


Berkeley River falls.Berkeley River falls.
Berkeley River falls.

These falls were not for showering under. Tremendous flow coming over.
Berkeley river.Berkeley river.
Berkeley river.

Another view of the largest of the falls.
Berkeley River RapidsBerkeley River Rapids
Berkeley River Rapids

The end of the Berkeley as far as we were concerned, although the river goes inland for a lot further than this.
Another "secret" waterfall.Another "secret" waterfall.
Another "secret" waterfall.

Usually just a trickle, this waterfall is quite high.

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