Outback Spirit Tour - Galvans Gorge - Drysdale - Mitchell Plateau

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August 2nd 2017
Published: June 22nd 2022
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Today we made our way back to the Gibb River Road before stopping at Galvans Gorge. We had a lovey swim there.

We then continued past Mount Barnett and on to the Kalamburu Road where we headed north.

Later that afternoon we arrive at Drysdale River Station, which runs 9000 head of cattle across more than 1 million acres.

We had a lovely lunch and then checked into our motel style cabins for the night. The telephone box was fashioned out of an upright freezer.

Oyster Bay is $30 per bottle from the bar. Cheaper than restaurants in the city.


Our breakfast this morning was the best so far. We left at 7:45 and continued on the Kalumburu Road before turning off to the Mitchell Plateau. After crossing the King Edward River we visited the Wandjina rock art galleries. We then pass through the ancient Livistona palm forests on our way to Mitchell Plateau arriving at Ngauwudu Safari Camp for a late lunch. This camp is owned by Outback Spirit. Built in 2011 at a cost of $4 million all deluxe safari suites have ensuite bathrooms. It is the most luxurious and substantial tented safari camp in the Kimberley.

We had a late lunch before we went to our glamping accomodation adjacent to the waterhole for an afternoon swim before dinner.

We are here for two nights.

The next day after a lovely omelette for breakfast cooked by the chef we set off for Mitchell Falls. After a short drive to the ranger station we set out for our 4km walking tour to Mitchell Falls. Along the way we were shown the Gwion Gwion and Wandjina rock galleries and were given a full interpretation by local guides. The walk took us along past Little and Big Mertens Falls before finishing at Mitchell Falls. The last part of the trip involved walking through water holding our packs high. We dried off while we had our picnic lunch of a ham/salad wrap, orange and a popper. We returned to camp by helicopter. A great way to get a different view of the falls.

Dinner tonight was BBQ Angus Porterhouse from Mandurup with salads. The chef cooked the steaks , to order, on the hot plate over the fire. Perfect.

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