The Heysen Trail (South) - Part 9

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August 29th 2009
Published: September 18th 2009
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Waitpinga to Tugwell rd

Additional maps: Kapunda to Hamilton

I returned to the Heysen trail Sunday (23/08/2009) for the Waitpinga to Victor Harbor leg. This section was about 19km and took four and a half hours on a beautiful 20 degree centigrade day. About eight kilometres of this walk was along the cliffs not far from Victor Harbor which were inceredibly dramatic and spectacular. Unfortunately I took my small camera and the batteries ran out so missed some great shots.

After a brief stop for lunch at lovely Kings Beach we began a tough and at times unpleasant trudge up from the beach before following a couple of roads while battling a strong headwind. Eventually we entered a wooded area between two farms which was extremely overgrown so some dodging and weaving was necessary before finally emerging on Waitpinga road. From here it was an easy 2km walk down a country road to the bus.

This walk was extremely pleasant with some incredible coastal scenery.

I completed another leg the next weekend (29/8/09) I met a group of ladies at the Kapunda caravan park aroud 7.30am and we then drove to what we thought was the trail head for the Kapunda to Hamilton leg, unfortunately we were incorrect and I ended up walking an extra 5 or 6 kilometres (in the wrong direction and then had to walk back) that I didnt need too.

The walk basically traversed farm land with a few walks along roads the weather was wet and miserable and I was glad when it was over and I could head for home, in the end I walked about 6 hours and covered around 30km. There were a few nice views and some historical highlights but it was good to finally finish and get some of my wet gear off.

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Photos: 13, Displayed: 13




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