Tanunda to Kapunda

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October 2nd 2010
Published: January 30th 2011
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Tanunda to Kapunda

Ruth and I decided to do the Tanunda to Kapunda walk today so we dove to Kapunda and left the car there before continuing on to Tanunda. We knew were to leave the car as we have walked here before. On leaving the main street at around 8.30 in the morning we walked down a hill and over a creek before following country roads through vinyards and farms. We saw a few lizards sunning themselves and the odd Kangaroo as we walked.

We left the roads only briefly as we followed a track down a hill passed a telephone tower before crossing Stonewell Rd before heading back up hill past a winery before passing under a new overpass and making our way into Greenock.

Greenock looks like a nice little town unfortunately nothing was open, the first two and half hours hours were quiet easy walking and the weather was nice.

We continued to follow back country roads for the next few kilometres until the trail left the road crossing a deep creek and then heading off into a paddock with waist high crops growing. We had no choice but to cross the paddock although we were worried about unseen snakes and rocks and the childern of the corn. Finally we emerged at Wendt Rd where the trail lead into a paddock of head high cannolla plants so we relunctantly headed down the road to the highway.

From here we trudged for about 5 kilometeres along the road in the growing heat finally arriving at the statue of the big miner on the edge of Kapunda around 2.30pm. Ruth stopped to rest while I continued the walk into town to get the car the heat was really unpleasant now and my feet hurt I think I have a few large blisters on my feet now. I soon reached the car and stripped of my boots, it wasnt a pretty sight. I popped into a service station for some cold drinks before returning to pick up Ruth.

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