Dengue Fever

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March 17th 2016
Published: March 20th 2016
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Total Distance: 0 miles / 0 kmMouse: 0,0

Manado to Adelaide

Additional maps: Sulawesi Trip

I woke up feeling like I had a massive hang over except my whole body ached. I new something was seriously wrong as I have rarely been this sick on the road and the symptoms were pointing to Dengue Fever. I had been so careful in using my repellant but the mosquitos have been particularly bad.

I decided that my best option was to check into a more expensive and comfortable hotel and to summon a doctor, the doctor confirmed Dengue and hotel staff went and filled the script. The last two days I have hardly left my room, I am beginning to feel a little better, the ache is just in my head now and rash that covered my whole body is probably a little less severe

I am not looking forward to the three hours between check out and boarding my plane, I am constantly dehydrated and hungry but I can't get very much food down. I don't want the airlines to know I am sick in case they try to stop me flying.

One step at a time, today's flight to Bali was of course delayed due to some politician turning up, all incoming flights were forced to circle over the airport for a considerable period of time. Eventually after an hour or so I was in the air.

The flight was fine although I was less than enamoured by the extortionate demands of the Bali taxi drivers so I chambered on the back of a motorbike for the short terrifying trip to my hotel. The rash has moved down to my feet and some of my toes are swollen, still I am feeling better.

The final flight home was comfortable enough although my skin has become so sensitive that just brushing against things can be painful, an obese woman leaning all over me didn't help my disposition.


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