Nearly time to go

Published: August 8th 2007
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I had been waiting impatiently for the Asia Cup tickets to go on sale because I plan to attend the Semifinal and the Final (hopefully Australia will do the right thing and make it), after a bit of swearing I finally managed to purchase these tickets over the net, they only cost about $15 AUD each so no big deal if I dont get to the stadiums on time for start of play.

I have booked my main return flight to Kuala Lumpur and have also booked a half a dozen one way legs shooting off all over Asia. Departure date will be the day after my last exam on the 27th June and I return home on the 1st of August.

I will stop over briefly in Singapore and over night in KL where I booked into one of those airport transit hotels where you pay by the hour, then its on to the Phillipines early the next morning. I will check out Angeles and hopefully MtT Pinutobo before heading up to North Luzon to see the old Spanish cities of Vigan an Loang and then to the rice terraces around Banaue. After that its on to Manilla before heading south to the Visaya's, Palawan and Mindanao.

I have one or two local flights to book in the Phillipines as I go, before heading on to Kota Kinabalu in Sabah. I plan to check out the Turtle and Orangutan sanctuaries there. Then its on to a river trip into the Borneo jungle, if I feel fit enough, I will climb Mt Kinabalu before heading to Brunei and then onto Sarawak.

After that it's back to KL and the Asia Cup Semifinal then to Solo in Java (Indonesia), where I am looking forward to visiting Solo, Yogyakarta, Borabudur and Prambanan before attending the Asia cup final in Jakarta.

After that its back to KL for a night and then onto Singapore for 24 hours and visits to Changi Museum and the bird sanctuary.


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