The land of the long white cloud

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January 30th 2007
Published: February 10th 2007
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Land of the long White cloud

Well after 6 months of working and saving its time to go again.

This time will be a safe easy trip compared to the last one.

Took the bus to the airport where after purchasing a beer in the Coopers Bar I sat through a 30 minute telephone interview which ended only a few minutes before our scheduled boarding time.

The flight was very late which ofcourse meant we arrived in Auckland late and were tired when we finally got to our hotel, actually we were so knackered that we foolishly raided the minibar.

Air New Zealand is much to much like Qantas for my liking, scrimping on the food and drinks, I much prefer the Asian airlines.

We are staying at a place called the Duxton Hotel in central Auckland for the first three nights which is luxurious compared to the places I normally stay at, I crashed not long after arrival the bed is huge.

The room has a spa, cable TV and a balcony overlooking Myers Park and is within walking distance of not only Queen St and the Harbour but also K Rd.

My first impression of Auckland is that it is a mixture of Hong Kong and Hobart, there is the older attractive parts of the city and the harbour which remind me of Hobart but also the steep streets and lush vegetation I remember from Hong kong.

Till next time.


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