Lazy morning and reef walk

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Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Lady Elliot Island
November 16th 2013
Published: October 27th 2013
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It is our third day on the Island and we decided to have a lazy morning. Taking our time at breakfast and spending some time in the sun. After lunch we went on a guided reef walk, which also is complementary with the reservation of room just like the boat-trip we went on the day before. The water was so low that some of the corals closest to the beach were pointing up above the surface. This made it possible for us to walk around among the coral and our tour guide told us about some of the coral reef and pointed out different kinds of coral and shells. It was really cool! You could really get a close look at these strange animals. But the sun was shining as bright as ever and walking around in the water we forgot about maybe putting something over our shoulders. So from now on Julia, Johanna and I are walking around with some really red backs and cheeks.

In the afternoon we spent some time at the pool of the resort, waiting for the water to get higher, and when it did we went out for a last snorkeling tour on Lady Elliot Island. I was surprised that the fishes weren’t alarmed by our red appearances. The next day we would begin the last part of our travel before going back to Sweden, visiting Heron Island.


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