Tuesday 7th May 2024

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May 7th 2024
Published: May 9th 2024
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<pre class="western">Tuesday 7</pre>

<pre class="western"> May, DarwinBig4 Howard Springs, Darwin NTCost $44.75 per night with membershipRated by us 7/10Mileage 20079 travelled 0Quiet logistics day today after arriving yesterday.Car is booked for service tomorrow so we are going to the dealership to make sure all is OK after the fiasco of getting booked in. The receptionist assured us all was well and that we could drop off at 7.30 and hopefully be out by ten, progress at last.Found a lovely shopping centre Gateway with a large underground car park so we can leave Tippy in the cool whilst we have a coffee. Badly needed a haircut and found a nice looking place so went for it. The young girl who washed my hair was aboriginal it was nice to chat to a local about the situation we are hearing so many bad things about. She claims Darwin is not a nice place and she cannot wait to leave once she finishes her training in two years. I encouraged her to stick it out telling her of the things Eb’s has managed to do since she qualified, I hope she does graduate, it will be her ticket out of here if she really wants to leave. I asked if she knew anything about Alice Springs and she said yes her dad was from there. She said the people are nice and that all the trouble is tribal between the blacks and alcohol of course which seems to be the scourge of our indigenous population at the moment. She was really nice to chat to and get a different perspective on what you hear from travellers all day. Hair cut is more like a sheep shear but it will grow and shorter is cooler, G says I look like a dike and Clive reckons I have gone lesbian, ah well its cool.Back to camp to chill and swim, nice tropical pool with a spa, which is the same cool water the pool, nice and relaxing, I find if I submerge myself in water it really cools down my core temperature. The humidity is really crippling both of us and the air con is only just coping.We have some interesting camp mates at the site, including a family of peacocks who come for breakfast each morning.</pre>


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