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July 16th 2011
Published: July 16th 2011
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Where do you take your son when he returns on a November holiday to Oz from two & a half years in freezing cold Canada...pursuing a Diploma in Snowboarding...Toronto, Whistler and Vancouver?

...into the desert of course...why didn't that come immediately to mind?...lets take him to the Red Centre.

And of course it has nothing to do with this decision...but we can acclimatise for our trip to Timbuktu...and the Festival au Desert in the Sahara...and try out my new camera...and watch us beat the Poms in the cricket...sounds better than taking him to a tropical island!

After ten years of drought which broke a couple of years ago with flooding in Queensland that renewed the inland rivers...even filled the salt expance of Lake Eyre in South Australia...we were in for a surprise...the Red Centre had had rain every month for twelve months before our arrival...and was Red and Green...yeh Green...unbelievable!

Uluru (Ayres Rock), Kata Tjuta (the Olgas), Mt Conner and Kings Canyon...

The Uluru Base Walk is a must...let me show you...10.6km loop...flat as a tack...but take plenty of water...the World's largest rock monolith will blow you away!

far away...Kata Tjuta...so different...unlike Uluru which is sandstone, Kata Tjuta is conglomerate...each the result of wetter times...sitting on a bed of treetops as you approach...then the many faces of domed rock monoliths...a must to do a circuit...come...let me show you!

Mt Conner, an uplifted sandstone mesa...like a round flat stand of a long lost obelisk.

Then in the middle of nowhere in the Watarrke National Park is...Kings Canyon.

Arrive at Kings Canyon...goodbyes to our Canadian hitchhiker...the Thirsty Dingo Bar is closed...so time for a wander.

We met a Cockney backpacker who thought he could have a lark with us...we might be from Sydney but compared to him we are 'locals'...but why not?

So we accepted his invitation to act as our Tour Guide...don't expect to be paid mate!

He went ahead with our son Simon & our daughter Anna-Louise...Denise & I wandering close behind.

I was videoing at the time so got the following transcript...

In a thick Cockney accent, language abbreviated to protect the sensibilities of Travelblogateers:

"Right...keep walking...you walk on the path"...kicks at something..."F...ing rock"

...starts pointing..."A stick...some grass"...obviously he's a professional Guide!

"Come on...f...ing hurry up...got rapters thing...just keep walkin' mate..."

"Got a tree (pointing)...a gum tree I think...yes a gum tree... isn't it?..(kicks at something)...shit here."

Our daughter asked "When are we getting to a shop for food or drinks?"

(Your kidding...no shops out here...presumably she's baiting him!)

Not losing stride he continued:

"You've had enough Sweetheart...trust me keep walking"...(pointing) "If you want a little rest there's a little f...ing cave here...but I'm going to leave you behind...Come on!...Come on!"...

He scampers off.

"I can't keep up" whimpers our athletic daughter...as we leave him to disappear into the scrub...

Do I dare hope he gets lost...like...not just lost...terribly lost????

Relax & Enjoy...

...let me be your Tour Guide...

Dancing Dave

Additional photos below
Photos: 98, Displayed: 24



The largest rock monolith in the World

16th July 2011

We love Uluru
Nice blog. Lots of good jumping.
16th July 2011

We love Uluru
Nice blog. Lots of good jumping.
16th July 2011

There are not enough jumping blogs
Howdy...Dave & Merry Jo, I was amazed walking around Uluru & Kata Tjuta...how the shapes & colours of the monoliths constantly changed...the sides...the ends...and one is sandstone...the other conglomerate!...was not sure the language in this blog was OK...but Featured blog...so it seems my fellow Travelblogateers are a tough lot! Keep dancing...or is it jumping?
16th July 2011

I have a special panorama setting on my camera...Sony NEXHD...to catch Kata Tjuta on a bed of treetops...I knew my new camera & I would be good dance partners!
16th July 2011

Reptilic ID mistake
Oi mate, that's not a Thorny Devil (Moloch horridus) but an Ornate Dragon Lizard (Ctenophorus ornatus). Just lettin' you know. :)
16th July 2011

I had my doubts...but hoped a blogateer would let me know...and voila! Thanks...I will amend accordingly...hope you enjoyed the blog...the colours are stunning.
16th July 2011

There is a forum where you can post photos of people jumping
I've already posted one of your there but you should add a few more.
17th July 2011

Dave & Merry Jo...I learnt how to post yesterday & posted in Dancing around the World...I'll have a look for Jumping...thanks! I started a Forum on Favourite Destination Names...hope to see you there...the possibilities are endless.
17th July 2011

Nice photos
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5th September 2013

Another Great Photo!
I find myself loving pretty much every photo I come upon in your collection, keep up the great work, your photos are work of arts!
6th September 2013

Another Great Photo!
Thanks Per-Olaf. Being a man with obvious good taste I'm looking forward to seeing some of your pics...so with pleasure I become your first follower!

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