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June 3rd 2018
Published: June 9th 2018
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THE ART OF THE PORTRAIT...eyes, ears, noses, lips, foreheads, hair or no hair, smiles, scowls or just looking...facial expressions as open hands to the soul.

The secret of a portrait photo to me is the expression captured in a moment in time...their inner soul captured if they are connecting with the lens...not just looking.

But if they are not connecting with the camera lens...that they look comfortable...or their thoughts in a world of their own...not at all self conscious.

Conveying a confidence of self.

That is why I take time taking my portrait photos...the facial expression is everything.

So it's no surprise that I am enamoured with portrait painting...artists spending an eternity bringing their subject into focus...brush stroke by brush stroke...their character and soul emerging in dabs of paint...viewer also engaged...those that can do it...staggering skill.

In Canberra there is a Portrait Art Gallery full of portraits.

Art galleries or walls in alleys or in homes around the World...portraits everywhere...Realism or Abstract...Renaissance, Impressionism, Rococo, Baroque, Gothic, Cubism, Neoclassicism, Romanticism, Post-Impressionism, Futurism, Fauvism, Surrealism, Abstract-Expressionism, Pop oils, watercolour, charcoal, spray can or pen...faces in places...faces preserved for the World to remember...for the World
Winner Archibald Prize 2015Winner Archibald Prize 2015Winner Archibald Prize 2015

Charles Waterstreet, Criminal Barrister
to see.

This video will only play on page one of this blog

The Archibald Prize

A must each year in Sydney is "Heads Up"...a massive display of portraiture in various venues each May.

I'm tempted to enter some of my portrait photos but I have never bothered to do so...maybe someday...or maybe I am content to view his or her's.

If your penchant is the art form of paint...then head into the Domain also in May for Sydney's longstanding portrait painting expo...the Archibald Prize.

Then hang around for the lightshow to beat all lightshows...Vivid from late May into June.

Or the Sydney Film Festival at the same time...we try to do all 'cos plenty to to pick and choose.

'Cos Sydney is not just a harbour's a city that throws on a great show.

The website says "The Archibald Prize is awarded annually to the best portrait, 'preferentially of some man or woman distinguished in art, letters, science or politics, painted by any artist resident in Australasia’.

This open competition is judged by the trustees of the Art Gallery of NSW. Finalists
Happy to be hereHappy to be hereHappy to be here

Happy to pose for me
are displayed in an exhibition at the Gallery (although in the early years all entrants were hung). Although it is a non-acquisitive prize, several of the entries are now part of the Gallery’s collection.

The Archibald Prize was first awarded in 1921. In establishing the prize, JF Archibald’s aim was to foster portraiture as well as support artists and perpetuate the memory of great Australians. Over the years some of Australia’s most prominent artists have entered and the subjects have been equally celebrated in their fields."

We have been attending for the last several years.

There is no restriction on photographing the works as long as you don't use flash which is fair enough.

This year we got an invite from the Sydney Morning Herald to attend the preview for an 8:15 am start.

Avoiding crowds and wandering at leisure...chatting to loiterers contemplating this work and that...wondering how the judges could think this is better than that.

Reading newspaper reviews is also fun too...a bit of toff and boo hoo hoo.

Caricature, abstract or realistic?

We know what we like...and so do you.

Splotches of paint...streaks of pink, browns and blue.
Archibald Packers' Prize 2018Archibald Packers' Prize 2018Archibald Packers' Prize 2018

Jimmy Barnes - Oz Rock Star

Applied with a brush, a finger, a knife, or anything will do.

A face wondering...what skill to do what you do.

Nothing like a portrait to look into the eyes and feel they say "How do you do?"

Relax and Enjoy,

Dancing Dave

Additional photos below
Photos: 105, Displayed: 24


Jenny KeeJenny Kee
Jenny Kee

Fashion Designer

9th June 2018

Fancy that
I was in the city yesterday with my father, sister and niece. We visited the Hyde Park Barracks and over lunch we decided to head to the Art Gallery for the afternoon. I remembered the Archibald Prize display was on and suggested we go see it. A rainy Saturday on a long weekend is not the time to avoid crowds. But it was still enjoyable to see the many great works. And then that night you post this blog. Once again, we have more in common than our first names. You've capture the portraits well, Dave. Thanks for sharing.
9th June 2018

Fancy that
We both have visited the Archibald Prize viewings at Sydney Art Gallery in 2018 and share our first names, David. But did you share the views of the judges as to who won the Archibald and Sulman prizes? Other than the Packer's Prize, I certainly didn't !!!
9th June 2018

Portrait photography
Although I am a lover of landscape photography, I completely agree with your rationale of portrait photography...that is the way you bring the inner mind of an individual reflected in facial expression. As a matter of fact I have noticed some good ones by you,- Africa and Indonesia that I recall off my head. And I encourage you to join the contest in Canberra museum on portrait photography. You never know...
9th June 2018

Portrait photography
Thanks Tab. Exhibiting is not for me but your comment makes me think I should do a music video using my zillions of portrait photography images. I reckon it would be more enduring than entering portrait comps like the Archibald that are so subjective that I rarely agree with the judges. Something like the video with this blog that was full of African caricature portraits that blew my mind. Thanks for the inspiration...definitely food for thought.
10th June 2018

Fancy that
I certainly did not, but with something as subjective as art that is no surprise. My favourite was "Self-portrait with studio wife" by Del Kathryn Barton, closely followed by "Self: past, present and future" by Kathrin Longhurst. The Packer's prize was definitely worthy, but I didn't see what the judges saw in the winner. The Sulman is not really my thing, however I really liked Tim Storrier's "At Sea (for Pamela)" in the Wynne prize.
10th June 2018

Portraits are the most memorable
Out of all the thousands of paintings I saw at the Louvre recently, all the ones I still remember are the portraits. Particularly Raphael's. And out of all the photos here in TB I can only remember one. A portrait of an African tribal woman that I think you took!
10th June 2018

Portraits are the most memorable
For me I think it's in the eyes, Harold. The Louvre and Raphael is a "one day" I hope. Thrilled you remember one of mine. My portraits in Africa are some of my favourites as they are not self conscious, not self absorbed with mirrors, proud of who they are.
10th June 2018

The artist makes the portrait
David you are an amazing artist and you have captured and shared this amazing work with us. As you say that inner soul is revealed. You should definitely enter some photography contest with your work. The photos you've taken around the world have given us a glimpse into many souls and cultures. Thank you.
10th June 2018

The artist makes the portrait
Thank you for your kind words, MJ. My interest in portrait photography has skyrocketed since I joined have my horizons for travel. Your encouragement when I was an unknown blogger was instrumental to that. What was once a dabble has now become a passion. Where to now? I will continue to encourage others and let serendipity continue to lead me. I prefer good things to happen by accident. Let the fun continue!
10th June 2018

Faces in places
Hi Dave - another good one! I paint, though portraiture is not my forte. I photograph, but I'm really a landscaper. But people are the soul of our vast continents. You do a pretty good job yourself. I'm also a great fan on Leonardo da Vinci (my favourite: 'Ginevra de' Benci' in the National Gallery in Washington - or is it 'Lady with an ermine' in Krakow?). My photo Club did 'portraits' as last month's project, but I didn't produce anything worthy of exhibiting! Keep on trying and keep on learning. David
10th June 2018

Faces in places
There are seven living billion faces in this World and countless in the past. yet each face is different...and so are our ears I hear. Portrait painting has endured for eons while portrait photography is of recent origin. Subjects for portrait blogs for eternity no doubt...hoping Travelblog continues to encourage our individual skills to grow. By the way, I suck at drawing and painting.
10th June 2018

You've gone to another dimension...
Portraits of portraits!
10th June 2018

You've gone to another dimension..
Another highlight of Sydney, Bob. The Archibald Prize has been taking place annually since 1921.
11th June 2018

Hard to pick one
It is hard to pick one out of so many great pictures. I was temped to take Jimmy Barnes, only because "For the working class man" is such a great song, but I ended up with this because the man looks much like the Swedish director Bo Widerberg. /Ake
11th June 2018

Hard to pick one
Thanks for your critique, Ake. I appreciate a discerning much effort goes into these portraits that a glance never does them justice. I have several favourites so I will stick my neck out and go left field for the music in the video...gritty vocals...mesmerising strings and saxophone.
12th June 2018

The Citrus Bowl
I chose this portrait as my favourite. I put myself in the place of the woman and imagined what I would do in her situation. I love Citrus fruits - grapefruit in particular - especially the pink/red variety! I love all oranges, and l rejoice in adding lemon or lime to my water. That fruit bowl would not stand a chance if I were in her position... Great blogging again... Dave
12th June 2018

The Citrus Bowl
Another reason why photo comps are not for me...way too subjective! The Citrus Bowl to he who thrives in Arctic climes...striving for oranges, lemons or limes that rhymes. Mine is the mandarin. I suspect a swamp wallaby has pinched all mine this much for the rubber snake that graced its branches to avoid just that. It scared bvchef but not the locals as it turned out.
13th June 2018

What a collection Dave. I was lucky to see the Archibald some years ago when I was in Sydney . Thanks for this blog , so,I could see more marvellous portraits ... stunning !
13th June 2018

Glad you checked in Lynne. Hope you also checked out the music portrait video. Can't promise portraits if we can get together when you are next in Sydney, but Relax & Enjoy and we will see!
22nd July 2018

Easy win...
...if you ever enter. You're photography skills are quite exceptional.
22nd July 2018

Easy win...
Thanks Per-Olof. I used to compete in woodcarving shows and learnt quickly that the way to success was perfection and having a piece that had not been seen before. However, with portraits by photo or by other art forms the judging is even more subjective. It's why I love criticism of our photos but persons enjoying them as being of like mind. Love it.

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