Update Time....

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April 30th 2012
Published: April 30th 2012
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G'day Folks!!

I am sure that many of you were dreading this day, the day the email arrives telling you that oce more I am going to take up some of your valuable time with inane tales of our exotic travels...well, tough, you have had 4 months without an update so you have to take the rough with the smooth I'm afraid!

The last time I posted anything was o December 24th and we were getting ready for Christmas Day Oz style - namely a BBQ and 35 degree heat! The obvious ext line is "well lots has happened since then...." but the truth is, not a great deal has really, but hopefully that is about to change.

The original plan had been to spend a couple of weeks in Sydney, catch up with some friends then head out to Western Australia (WA) to get a job....somewhow though we didnt manage to leave Sydney and before we knew it we were both back in the world of work. For a little while that was fun in its own way...lazy weekends spent at Bondi Beach, BBQs with friends at Tamarama Beach, sampling the bars and restaurants of Bondi and Surry Hills, spending money as quick as we earned it, wearing shorts all the time....but somehow it didnt feel right to have come all this way to end up in a city doing a boring job....so, having realised all this over the Easter Weekend we now have a new plan - we are packing up the suits, shirts and sensible shoes and dusting off the backpacks to hit the road again.


Roughly the plan is to travel up the west coast from Perth to Darwin, head to Ayers Rock and the Red Center, pop in to Cairns and see some of Queensland, visit friends in Brisbane then hopefully head south to Melbourne to catch up with more friends, go see some penguins, drive the great ocean road and then maybe, just maybe think about heading back to Europe by the end of the year.....then again, plans may change!

All this begins in about 8 weeks time hopefully, so until the next installment here are a few pictures of Sydney so far....

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