An inauspicious start

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August 21st 2014
Published: August 21st 2014
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Batemans Bay Rendevous Batemans Bay Rendevous Batemans Bay Rendevous

We're off ... two faithful wagons.
Not the sort of morning you want to wake up to on the day you plan to set off on an eight week adventure. Torrential rain, howling winds, bleak skies and cold!!! Definitely cold. Not to be deterred Lou and I agreed to meet in the Bay as planned and off we set. I guess the best summary of the first two days of travel is to say it was wet, windy, cold and exciting if you count the swollen and raging rivers we encountered, evidence of some serious rainfall.

We spent the first night at the Shoalhaven River .... after a seemingly endless climb up the Clyde Mountain ... two old loyal 90s vintage Toyota Hiace wagons did their owners proud as they soldiered slowly but faithfully all the way to the top. A new experience for Lou who is still breaking in her wagon - "a little different to the Subaru" was her only comment. Weak sunshine greeted us the next morning and didn't stay around for long, but it seemed at least the rain had abated, and the winds had dropped. Goulburn was our next stop for lunch and a little shopping for supplies, then off to
Shoalhaven RiverShoalhaven RiverShoalhaven River

Flooding and wild
Crookwell and onto the Abercrombie River for our second night. More serious cold, more seriously swollen and ragging rivers but this time we had a camp fire where we sat warming ourselves until after dark, and until we were visited by a mangy and seriously hungry looking fox whom Polly decided she definitely had to chase and kill. Fortunately I managed to grab Polly before she got too close as the fox was standing its ground and was definitely not put off by us or her.

I guess the highlight of our convoy travels to date are our CB radios. They were a purchase well worth the outlay. We both love being able to chat as we drive. We have our conversation channel all sorted now and rarely encounter any other users except when in major towns. Both wagons are performing well although Sally is really hard to start on these cold mornings .... luckily I have several tricks up my sleeve now and its not an issue, just a nuisance. Seems she is in need of a new Automatic Choke Assembly ... had to find as they don't manufacture them any more as new, and so far no
Shoalhaven CampShoalhaven CampShoalhaven Camp

Circle the wagons and keep out the wind!
wreckers yards that I've approached have turned one up. Never mind, it will happen.

And so we are coming up to our fourth night on the road ... camped at the moment in Hill End and loving it. Today we have just spent walking around the town and taking photos, and resting and relaxing. Lots of unwinding to be done. We may even stay here another night ... more of that in my next blog. A few early photos attached here now ... nothing with too much wow factor ... just recording what we've encountered so far. Really haven't had much time yet to process many photos. That will come.

Additional photos below
Photos: 8, Displayed: 8


Crookwell Wind FarmCrookwell Wind Farm
Crookwell Wind Farm

Plenty of generation happening today!!!
Abercrombie RiverAbercrombie River
Abercrombie River

Morning mist and what is that yellow stuff? Oh yes, sunshine.
Abercrombie RiverAbercrombie River
Abercrombie River

In flood!!! of course!
The ConvoyThe Convoy
The Convoy

That's Pearl and Lou in the rear view mirrow.
Bookkeepers Cottage TurenaBookkeepers Cottage Turena
Bookkeepers Cottage Turena

Wattle Daub cottage circa 1860 something!!!

21st August 2014

Never daunted!
Well done, girls, glad to hear you have begun your adventure and over the wettest bits safely! Look forward to seeing and hearing more of your travels. Take care. Cheers, Annette

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