Pancakes and pesky kids

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March 12th 2014
Published: March 29th 2014
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Batemans BayBatemans BayBatemans Bay

Barry looking across the Bay to the campground from his childhood. The bridge can be seen behind the riverboat.
Slept in today and then got a few groceries and some more “150 Lashes” beer at Bawley Point – just up the road. Then headed into Bateman’s Bay. We were too late to see any galleries or the Museum as they all closed by 3pm. I did find a perfect little black handbag for $2 in Vinnies and a wrist strap for my stick in Mobility Measures so I won’t keep dropping it when I’m taking photos or leaving it behind (both have happened regularly). We also got a 20 litre water tank with a pourer to replace the old one, which was now in the bin.

We had a late lunch at a cafe that overlooked the Bay and the bridge that opens when tall vessels come in (it didn’t open while we were there though, sadly). We shared a stack of pancakes with chicken, avocado and cheese and a little salad on the side. It made a nice change but I was surprised that they had used a sweet pancake mix to make them – odd. We sat outside and enjoyed the view. Barry could see the camp site his parents used to stay in just across the Bay so it brought back lots of memories for him. A river cruise boat came through while we were watching. We also watched a poor adult seagull being harassed by an immature one trying to get her to feed him. Poor Mum was trying to get away and the youngster wouldn’t leave her alone for a second – even trying to poke at her gullet. “Damn kids won’t leave home!” She finally jumped up onto the back of a seat and he didn’t follow – but she couldn’t feed herself from up there. Poor thing!

About the time we finished our meal it started to rain so, before we got too wet, we drove back to the van. We had a steak for dinner and some of the vegetable mixture I’d made before then watched TV and listened to the rain beating on the roof. Very cosy!


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