Canberra & The Oaks Country Club (near Bateman's Bay)

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January 25th 2012
Published: January 25th 2012
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We stayed at Ulladulla for one night. The caravan park we stayed at had a massive indoor pool with 3 slides, water tipping buckets and mushrooms thing that had water coming out of it.

We stayed in Canberra with our friends Liam, Connor, Chrissie, Graham and Julia. We swam in the pool everyday. They are a lot of fun. We went to the adventure play ground. The Sprowls are very fit and they all do triathelons. Graham gave me Liam's old bike. It is the best bike I have ever had. It has gears and a stand. My old bike didn't have any of those things. I am so lucky.

Places we visited: The mint, The portrait gallery and the National Museum. My favourite place was the mint because I saw the machines/ robots making all the coins. We saw the money get stamped. I got 3 coins. A rosella coin (cause they are my favourite birds), a penny made the same year I was born and a dollar that I pressed myself.

We went out to dinner with the Sprowls and played this board game called Dixit. It is the bomb. Liam and I won. Mum lost. She had to change James' pants cause she lost ha ha.

Dad went to Adelaide to watch the cricket. Mum drove us to Bateman's Bay while dad is away. The place we are staying at is really COOL. It is a ranch. There are all sorts of animals here like kangaroos, horses, donkey's, alpacas, sheep and geese. No sorry GIANT geese. Mum is scared of them. He he he.

Today we went to a beautiful beach. I tried out my new boogie board. Then we went for a horse ride. My horse was called Destiny and James' horse was called possum. We went on this beautiful track in the bush, then near the beach and along the river. We might go for another ride before we go home.

Mum said that we are both being really good while Dad's away (even James). We are going to go for a swim now. There is a games room. We will play pingpong later. Mum thinks she will win.

ps I am having a lovely time here.

pps We were lucky enough to go back the Oakes Country Club. The lovely owners and Lyndall invited us back. We got to show dad what a great place the Broulee and the Oakes is. We stayed 4 more nights. We played golf, fed the horses, swam. We made some great friends. We will miss them. Who knows maybe we will go back there some day.



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The Oakes Ranch The Oakes Ranch
The Oakes Ranch

View from our room

26th January 2012

Hi Billy
Hey Billy, I love reading your posts, they are so interesting. I love that you went to the mint and pressed your own coin. Batemans Bay sounds good, I have been there a few times too. Please tell mum and dad we have sold the house and are waiting on a building inspection tomorrow. Bye for now Kylie xxx

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