Gonna Take It Easy Today

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January 30th 2019
Published: February 1st 2019
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On Big Twin Lake. Conover, WI.
The temperature got down to -25 last night with a wind chill of -54. Not as cold as Orland Park, IL, though. There it was -27! We were in no hurry to get on the trails this morning since it was forecast to be the coldest day this week with a high of -10. We decided we would take short rides to pit stops and warm up. We didn't leave until about noon. We rode from the Gateway to a very nice bar/restaurant on Big Twin Lake. It was a 16 mile ride there. We had a nice lunch there and then rode another 10 miles over to Bauer's Dam on Buckatabon Lake in Conover, WI. After relaxing there with some coffee, we rode back to the Gateway, a ride of 20 miles.

All totaled, we rode about 50 miles in -12 temperature. Not a whole lot, but enough for us in this weather. But, once again, all the trails were super smooth and fast. We met Pat & Dawn Keefe at the Log Cabin in Conover, WI, where we enjoyed a very good meal and conversation. It's going down to -25 tonight so we'll see how far we want to ride tomorrow. Actually, once we got on the snowmobiles and rode, we were very comfortable, so we'll see.


1st February 2019

It is up to a balmy zero degrees now in Chi-town. Enjoy! JAH
1st February 2019

Arctic Blast!
Stay inside. Stay safe.

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