My Utah Trip - Zion NP

Published: June 2nd 2016
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Greetings All

My final stop on my Utah trip was the truly spectacular Zion NP I definitely saved the best to last!! We entered the park ia the back route just before sunset so had to drive the length of the park via the scenic highway to get to the only town on the other side of the park. The drive was spectacular and my immediate thought was how like Yosemite NP it was. Albeit with pink and white rocks and a desert setting but the valley was just as spectacular.

Probably the two most famous hikes in Zion are the Narrows hike southern Utah’s premier hike in Zion National Park. For 16 miles (26 kilometers), the canyon winds through the crimson sandstone, in some spots stretching 2,000 feet (610 meters) high and narrowing to 20 feet (6 meters) we went in the flood season so in some place it required wading through chest high water. I can honestly say it was one of the most spectacular hikes day hikes I have ever done

Possibly even more famous is Angels Landing is one of the world's most renowned hikes, and is an unforgettable short adventure hike worthy of all bucket lists. The views of Zion Canyon's 270 million-year-old rock layers the views from the top are truly spectacular!!

The one down side to Zion was its busy, and I mean really busy. After being the only people to camp at Monument Valley there wasn’t a space at Zion. And this was in the off season.

Additional photos below
Photos: 43, Displayed: 23


8th June 2016

Nice Gear
Nice gear!!!
9th June 2016

Thanks, probably
8th June 2016

Very impressive!
Love the photos - it looks amazing and fun. The sheer size of it all is incredible.
18th June 2016

Wow, it looks amazing except i think i would feel very wobbly and full of vertigo. How did you get down there, as in was it a gradual trek or just like an abseil?
18th June 2016

Its a walk upstream to that section called wall street about 4 hours from the mouth of the canyon. Its a really cool hike
18th June 2016

Is it? It looks really cool how it is just gliding. Who did you go on this trip with?
18th June 2016

Its a condor and yes just gliding in the thermals. I went with Mark Robson
18th June 2016

Your camp?
Is that where you camped? Did it get cold at night?
18th June 2016

Yes it was pretty cold at night as I had a $10 Walmart sleeping bag, it got down to -2 in monument valley
18th June 2016

I like this one cos you can see all the layers in the rock. Looks really cool.
18th June 2016

Yes its a amazing place if you like geology
18th June 2016

Does it remind you of some places in Oz cos of the reddy/orangey-ness of the rocks? I know you said it reminds you of Yosemite but i havent been there!
18th June 2016

Like button?
Is there not a "like" button or do i have to comment "like" for everyone i like?
18th June 2016

Dizzy again
Love this pic but it makes me feel wobbly just looking at it. Did you feel that the colours of the rocks changed with the time of day?
18th June 2016

Yes they did when they were in direct sunlight, also the shadows move down the valley as the sun gets higher, we were up and hiking early that day so it was cool to see the sun appear over the cliffs
18th June 2016

Do you think there is a little piggy face in the rock at the bottom right of the picture? right as you look at it but i suppose the actual left....
18th June 2016

ERM not really but each to their own
18th June 2016

joint comments
Love pic 21. Love 24 - was the water cold? I like how the black and white stripes are in the rock. 26 - was it deep and did it have a strong current? 28 - Mark Robson! Ignore question about who you went on trip with! Special little outfits you both have. Compulsory or well co-ordinated males? 29 - GoPro? 30 - Love the dimples in the rocks like some kid has come along and stuck his fingers in play doh. 31 - Any animals in the water with you? 35 - Nice selfie! Right, off to see the other blog.
18th June 2016

The water was cold ish, but it was overkill with the dry suits could have worn waders. It was deep in places and a very strong current. didnt see any wild life on this hike in the water (what were you expecting bears or something???)
18th June 2016

joint comments
Love pic 21. Love 24 - was the water cold? I like how the black and white stripes are in the rock. 26 - was it deep and did it have a strong current? 28 - Mark Robson! Ignore question about who you went on trip with! Special little outfits you both have. Compulsory or well co-ordinated males? 29 - GoPro? 30 - Love the dimples in the rocks like some kid has come along and stuck his fingers in play doh. 31 - Any animals in the water with you? 35 - Nice selfie! Right, off to see the other blog.
18th June 2016

The water was cold ish, but it was overkill with the dry suits could have worn waders. It was deep in places and a very strong current. didnt see any wild life on this hike in the water (what were you expecting bears or something???)

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