Roadtrip SW USA...of Goblins and Castles

Published: May 2nd 2015
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Roadtrip SW USA...of Goblins and Castles.

When planning our South West USA Roadtrip from Oz...our plans were simple.

Fly into St George, Utah as its near Zion, hire a car and drive to stay with Home & Away in Colorado.

On the way we would wing it, see what we can...with only two musts...The Wave (which we didn't know was in Arizona)...and Goblin Valley State Park in Utah ('cause we like the name) real idea how to get there.

That was the plan.

As we avoided the LHT to Goblin from Mexican Hat...flew instead with the ravens over Canyonlands and Arches...we were as usual short of time.

But where there is a will there is a way.

And knowing the Durango with Denise driving could really fly...we hit the road...heading into Tolkien country...and Tubular Bells


North from Moab up Highway 163/191 then West along Interstate 70 through Green River and then south on Highway 24.

The scenery immediately more enchanting with the Raphael Desert on our left and Raphael Reef on our right.

And the further we travel the colder it gets.

There's a sign to Goblin Valley State Park on our right...past Temple Mountain...snow drifts splashed across the road...few miles then a road to our left...that's south again isn't it?

Can't help feeling this place is not often other vehicles within coo-ee...or at all that we come across for that matter.

A massive rock sentinel...must be a Goblin's castle...more and more snow spinning from our wheels...getting pretty excited.

A Parks Ticket Office...there's actually someone in there...$8 to the Ranger...a map...and we are in there.

Just us and these insane rock creatures...little red goblins here and clusters...peering at us from their hollows in the deep snow.

As if eyes following us climbing the hill in tight grey curls through snowy tumbling locks.

And then I am gone...leaving Denise to play with her iphone...venturing through snowdrifts...traversing gullies...straight ahead...I think that means I'm now travelling north.

But I wasn't blindly way...the closer I get the more my heart is pounding.

It looks like a camel...with the Three Wise I heading towards another spiritual experience?

I have the feeling they are watching me...or maybe preparing a welcome for this elven visitor...and then I arrive at their feet.

Three giant goblins on a rectangular rock rock smiles surveying me.

So we you do...when its just pristine white stillness...saying how do you do.


I'm conscious I'm spending too long out here...time to join my dance partner...doing her own slow waltz in the snow over there.

We get to the top of the hill and its like a short runway to public loos and a shelter...white mountains in the distance ahead...yellow mountains to our right...the Goblin's castle behind...and hundreds of little rock goblins in a gully sheltered by cliffs to our left.

The snow is thick and delicate...fresh powder untouched...the air crystal and clear...vibrantly cold.

But we were dressed for the occasion.

A track leads down into a valley...Denise heading dawdling as I survey...this is unreal...chuckling to myself as I also make my way.

Another cluster of goblins on a rock stand.

The hundreds of goblins to the side just standing there...some with snow hats...others bare.

Goblin was to be our farewell to Utah...and no better place we both agree.

So to farewell Utah properly we climb a slope...for the sunset to fall.

And like the rest of the south-west it opens its arms and invites enthrall.

But what's that sweet sound lilting on the wispy evening wind?

Ever so faintly...that ting-a-ling?

Ever so gentle...'tis the goblins sing.

Relax & Enjoy,

Dancing Dave

SORRY...The music only plays on Page One of this blog

Additional photos below
Photos: 74, Displayed: 24


2nd May 2015

Tubular Bells
The perfect tunes for the location! Another great blog my friend.... Enchanted...don't leave your dance partner too long as it is cowboy country...and a gem like that could be stolen. Stunning photos as always.
2nd May 2015

Tubular Bells
Thanks for reading and listening MJ. As music is an important part of our roadtrips, I'm delighted to find tracks that convey the mood. Tubular Bells for Goblin Valley...tad long but otherwise just right.
2nd May 2015
Entering Goblin Valley

3rd May 2015
Entering Goblin Valley

Utah Manificent
For all you Americans out lucky are you to have such stunning vistas in your backyard as we found in Utah and Arizona. No enhancement of photos necessary other than maybe exposure. No saturation or colour added to any of my photos...why spoil perfection?
2nd May 2015
Goblin Valley

The Valley
That is a beauty
2nd May 2015
Sunset over Raphael Reef

Each moment prettier than the next.
3rd May 2015

Tubular bells
I love the way that you have the perfect music to go along with what I am reading. This one was new to me, but put me exactly in the time and place. Jut perfect!
3rd May 2015

Tubular bells
Hi Rachael. I've put music to each of the SW USA blogs since Zion. This roadtrip has been so surreal for us...sublime landscapes made doubly sensational by the snow brought by the polar vortex...some to desert areas that have not seen snow for many years. The photos and my prose can only convey so much...hoping the music enhances the experience. Yet having visited the magical snow covered wastes of Goblin Valley...full of ethereal piece of music was required...glad you liked it.
3rd May 2015

Tubular Bells and the glowing lights of the canyons
Dangerous Dave here....exquisite photos. The snow adds so much to the visual experience. And I for one, know that the goblins were talking back to you!
3rd May 2015

Tubular Bells and the glowing lights of the canyons
As a matter of fact Dangerous Dave...the goblins weren't talking to us...they were singing...'cause I was playing...Tubular Bells!
3rd May 2015

come, come to the Goblins Castle, come...
What a beautifully penned account. The drive to a destination is always important to me & the drive did not disappoint. I knew as we took turn after turn that we would be in for an unusual treat & that it was, enchanted in a Disney kinda way. I did hear the goblins call in a whispered chant ..."come, come to the Goblins Castle, come..." I could feel myself being drawn.
3rd May 2015

come, come to the Goblins Castle, come...
We read so much about the National Parks in SW USA and they are truly spectacular. Yet the two State Parks we visited in Utah...Snow Canyon and Goblin Valley were truly enchanting. So I guess the message to TBers here is "Come, come to the State Parks, come..."
3rd May 2015

road trips
Hi Dave Will be following in your footsteps or road tracks some of the way In September when I hit the road in Nevada Utah, and through Colorado... Must look up Goblins on my map and see if I can fit it in.
3rd May 2015

road trips
Great to hear from you Lynne. What a wonderful time you will have. Will be very different to our trip due to the time of year and possibly no snow. But every roadtrip has different delights so pick your music appropriately and pretty hard to go wrong. My tip is include some State Parks. Less visited but like Snow Canyon and Goblin many ways as spectacular. Looking forward to your pics. My coming blogs are another USA roadtrip so really looking forward to that too.
5th May 2015
Goblin Valley

Wow, it really does look like goblins!
Heck, you weren't scared they'll come running after you? They almost look alive! =)
5th May 2015
Goblin Valley

Wow, it really does look like goblins!
Sure do Per-Olof. Quite extraordinary to have such critters standing on rock platforms overlooking everything else. Was supposed to be the edge of an ancient inland sea which is why there are heaps of little goblins huddled together. A magic not oft visited place.

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