On my way!

Published: August 16th 2018
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I'm sitting in the Philly airport trying to figure out how to invite you all to my blog and charge my devices. So far I figured out I forgot my long charging cord, oh well, I'll just need to buy one. If that's all I forgot, I'm golden! I worked on keeping my packing light, my backpack is 20#, I still feel like I am carrying a lot of stuff. I woke up at 1:30AM to catch a 5:45 flight. Thanks to my lovely husband for driving me to the airport at 2AM! My butt is already sore and I have another 8 hour flight. It is strange to think in 10 hrs I will be surrounded by a completely different language and culture, hopefully I can sleep on the plane, I forgot how hard it is to sleep sitting up. It was an emotional day yesterday, leaving everything that I care for and not having anything to take care of, but me. Musings at the airport....


17th August 2018

Bon voyage!
Best of times to you jessica! Drink a beer for me in bavaria!

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