New York 2010

Published: May 9th 2010
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Tree in Washington ParkTree in Washington ParkTree in Washington Park

This tree we found in Washington Park on Manhattan.

Shopping and sightseeing and more in New York City

Easter Holiday this year we wanted to go to the Caribbean. Many years ago we visited two islands in the Caribbean, Guadeloupe and Dominica (that is Dominica,
not the Dominican Republic). This was before we started this blog so you won’t find any entry from that trip here. We liked it very much in the Caribbean and we thought it could be nice to return to that part of the world and see another island. It turned out that flight tickets from Europe to pretty much any destination in that region are expensive. But then Emma came up with the idea that we could first fly from Europe to New York City because flying to New York is quite cheap. From there we could get another flight to some destination in the Caribbean. The price for this kind of trip came out almost the same as a direct flight from Europe would have been. Since both of us like New York very much we didn’t exactly mind to spend a few days there too.

This entry on the blog will be about New York City and what we did and saw there.
Young woman in QueensYoung woman in QueensYoung woman in Queens

This young woman enjoys this early spring day in Flushing Meadows - Corona Park
The next blog will be about what we did in the days we spent in the Caribbean.

Activity #1: Sightseeing

Two years ago we were in New York for a few days. You can read about what we did then if you follow this link.

We saw quite a few of the must-see-things on our visit in 2008 so this time we decided to take on two lesser known sights namely The High Line and Flushing Meadows - Corona Park.

The High Line was an elevated train line that was used for freight traffic to the Meatpacking District on Manhattan. It was built in the 1930-ies but was after a few decades disused and closed down. After the High Line was taken out of business there were plans to dismantle it but that never happened. For many years the High Line was abandoned and during these years plants and flowers started to grow there. About 10 years ago a society called Friends of the High Line was formed and they argued that the High Line should be preserved. The local authorities found the idea appealing and last year the High Line was declared a city park and parts of it was opened to the
The UnisphereThe UnisphereThe Unisphere

The Unisphere was constructed for the World Fair in 1964. After the fair was over it was left there and is today a symbol of Flushing Meadows – Corona Park

A path has been constructed along the railroad other than that they have tried to keep the area as close as possible to what the High Line looked like after it had been abandoned for close to 30 years.

Walking along the High Line is an interesting experience since you are walking 10 meters up in the air. That gives you a slightly different view of things than what you usually get.

The other sightseeing we did was to visit Flushing Meadows - Corona Park in Queens. First we’d like to put down something we found on Wikipedia’s article on Flushing Meadows only because it is so funny.

“Flushing Meadows is referenced in the 9th-season episode of The Simpsons entitled 'The City of New York vs. Homer Simpson'. Homer Simpson, badly needing to go to the restroom, sees a bus headed toward Flushing Meadows and imagines himself running through a green meadow filled with many toilets.”

There are toilets in Flushing Meadows but they are for obvious reasons not the main reason we went there for a visit.

To sports fanatics Flushing Meadows means US Open in tennis. There is a tennis arena

This is how tourists see Manhattan. There is much more to New York than the skyscrapers. But you have to admit that a photo of this view is cool
there and US Open is played in Flushing Meadows but none of that is interesting to us.

To the people living in Queens Flushing Meadows is a nice park where you can play baseball, ride your bicycle or just lie in the grass and sunbathe. It is a nice park but that still wasn’t the reason we went there.

Instead we went there to walk in the footsteps of our hero Mac Taylor.

We admit that we are a bit pathetic but we absolutely love the TV-show CSI: NY. In the episode entitled “Manhattanhenge” Mac Taylor chases the Compass Killer through Flushing Meadows and in the process enters an area with old derelict constructions that once were part of the New York World Fair in 1964.

In 1964 the World Fair was held in New York and the place for the venue was Flushing Meadows. The deal the organisers struck with the city of New York was that everything that was erected in the park during the World Fair was to be dismantled and removed afterwards. The problem was that they went bankrupt so there were no money left to remove the last of the installations. They have
Rocket ThrowerRocket ThrowerRocket Thrower

The name of this statue in Flushing Meadows is Rocket Thrower
been standing there since and are slowly rusting and falling apart. It was these buildings we wanted to see. If you take a look at the photos you will hopefully understand why we wanted to see this. They look really cool. Honest, the thing about CSI: NY, it was just a joke. We love the show, but we are not fanatic enough to visit places only because they were seen on TV.

The two most well known sites in Flushing Meadows are the Unisphere and the New York State Pavilion. We also found a statue named Rocket Thrower that we liked very much. This statue reminds us of statues made by the Swedish sculptor Carl Milles. You can see four of the works by Carl Milles on this blog entry. If you have a look you can see for yourself if there is a resemblance or not.

Activity #2: Running

We share a passion for running and we have found out that it is an activity that goes well in combination with travelling. While we are running we sometimes also able to do some sightseeing. New York is a very good place for running because most of Manhattan is flat and there
Rocket ThrowerRocket ThrowerRocket Thrower

Close-up of the same statue. It reminds us of the statues the Swedish sculptor Carl Milles.
are interesting places to visit just about everywhere. All you have to do is to take a map and choose a route for your run and you are sure to have a great time.

We ran twice when in the days we were in New York. The first day we ran a route from 9th Street onto Brooklyn Bridge and back. A day later we ran a route from 9th Street to Central Park and back.

Activity #3: Shopping

One thing you can do a lot in New York in general and on Manhattan in particular is to shop. The value of the US dollar compared to the Swedish currency is favourable at the moment so prices are acceptable. But the real advantage with shopping on Manhattan instead of back home is the number of shops and the size of them.

We read a lot and if you wish to buy English language books in Sweden you have a selection of maybe one hundred books to choose from. In Barnes and Nobles bookstore on Union Square they have five floors of books. But the real treasure grove when it comes to books in New York is Strand Bookstore
Tree in Flushing MeadowsTree in Flushing MeadowsTree in Flushing Meadows

Spring is a wonderful time of the year. Everywhere there are trees in bloom
just south of Union Square. Supposedly they have a total of 18 miles or 29 kilometres of books. For two bookworms like us browsing through those bookstores is like coming to heaven.

Other things we went shopping for when we were in New York was shoes, clothes and make up. Well Ake wants to point out here that he did not buy any make up. Ake would not wear make up even on a Kiss concert.

Activity #4: Meeting Ivan and Carrie

We have a friend named Ivan who lives on Manhattan. Ivan is kind enough to let us use his flat when we are in town. The last night we were in New York we went on a restaurant with Ivan and his girlfriend Carrie. If you look at the photo we took of all four of us that night you can see for yourself what a good time we had.

Additional photos below
Photos: 26, Displayed: 26


A young boy from QueensA young boy from Queens
A young boy from Queens

To the people living in Queens Flushing Meadows is a nice park where you can play baseball or ride your bicycle

Mural depicting the New York State Pavilion at the 1964 World Fair
New York State PavilionNew York State Pavilion
New York State Pavilion

New York State Pavilion from the 1964 World Fair IRL
The Unisphere The Unisphere
The Unisphere

According to Wikipedia The Unisphere was the Theme Symbol of the 1964/1965 World Fair.
The UnisphereThe Unisphere
The Unisphere

Can't resist putting a third photo of the Unisphere on the blog.
Emma on a CamelEmma on a Camel
Emma on a Camel

We love camels so much that we just had to put this photo here.
A big appleA big apple
A big apple

We are in New York City. A nickname for New York City is the Big Apple. So we guess it makes sense that there is a big apple outside City Field Stadium
Central ParkCentral Park
Central Park

When we visited Central Park we were there for exercise, not for sightseeing. That's why we have only this photo from there
The High LineThe High Line
The High Line

The photo is no good but we have to show you what the High Line looks like
The High LineThe High Line
The High Line

The photo is no good but we have to give you and idea of what the High Line looks like after it has been transformed into a park
Ake, Emma, Carrie and IvanAke, Emma, Carrie and Ivan
Ake, Emma, Carrie and Ivan

From left to right are Ake, Emma, Carrie and Ivan. As you can see we had a good time together
There are crocs in the sewersThere are crocs in the sewers
There are crocs in the sewers

According to an urban legend there are crocodiles in the New York sewers.
Steam ventSteam vent
Steam vent

No blog entry on New York City is complete without the classic view of a steam vent
A cabA cab
A cab

No blog entry on New York City is complete without the classic view of a cab
Newspaper boxesNewspaper boxes
Newspaper boxes

No blog entry on New York City is complete without the classic view of a few newspaper boxes
Checking out Ivan's magazineChecking out Ivan's magazine
Checking out Ivan's magazine

"I've got nothing to do. Hmmm, here Ivan has a Sports Illustrated. They usually have an article or two worth reading..."
Sports IllustratedSports Illustrated
Sports Illustrated

"It's the Swimsuit Edition!"
Wait, they actually exist!Wait, they actually exist!
Wait, they actually exist!

We thought girl scout cookies were a joke. But now we see that they actually exist
Can we really put in one more photo of a skyscraper?Can we really put in one more photo of a skyscraper?
Can we really put in one more photo of a skyscraper?

"Yes we can!" as Barack Obama would put it.

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