New York for the Christmas decorations...

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December 17th 2023
Published: December 21st 2023
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New York, a place I would never dream of calling home, but that I enjoy visiting every single time! Imagine, my first visit was back in 1995 and I'm pretty sure I've come to the Big Apple way over 20 times. Every visit is special, but the winter ones are more special as long as the weather is on my side!

I'm here for 2 nights. Little last minute change of plans as I got invited to stay the first night with friends in New Jersey. First came the uneventful flight from West Palm Beach to Newark. I rented a car and drove in the dark in the wood all the way to near Morristown. Few towns I crossed look gorgeous and those mansions with Christmas decorations are truly special! After a week diving, I was on for great food and a lot of wine with old friends!

Next morning, I made my way back to the airport to drop my rental car at Newark and take the shuttle to my hotel next to Newark Penn station. I'm not sleeping in Manhattan tonight, my room is so cheap and next to the public transport, plus my flight on the last day in leaving late from Newark. That was an easy choice!

I have two days for Manhattan. The first one is, as predicted, cold and rainy! So yes, program was minimal. The next day, with a flight just prior to midnight was a gorgeous sunny day...and a packed one!

Made my way to lower Manhattan on the first day to do some shopping...and try to dodge the rain! next morning, I'm up early! Today, I'm starting by walking the High Line, a first, but not a last for me. This is a pretty spectacular area and for sure one of my new favorite in the city. I do end up at the Vessel by Hudson Yards! This is a completely revamped area and it shows...don't want to know the price of the rent of some places around here!

There is no visit to Manhattan in December without a look at the Christmas Tree at Rockefeller Center... and yes, I'll have to do with the crowds too! My next Tree, is the Christmas Tree from the New York Stock Exchange, the NYSE. If you ask, yes, I did walk a little today. Later came another first for me, the Brooklyn Bridge. That place was packed for sunset. Way too many Instagram hunters around here for me. I have to admit, the views are spectacular. Maybe next time I'll come here for sunrise...but not the cold winter sunrise, I'm not that crazy!

Early dinner and I was already back to New Jersey to catch the shuttle to Newark International Airport, ready to cross another Ocean tonight! Point to note, the new United terminal in Newark is pretty stunning! Terminal B, where international flights are leaving from, is way to old...are we back in the last Millenium! Huge security queues, below average lounge, don't even speak about the potential shopping...I'm clearly not a fan of the Newark B terminal.

One more blog to come about this pretty stunning little three weeks trip...and actually, another pretty sunny blog!

If I do not publish before Christmas, let me wish you all a wonderful and Merry Christmas!!

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