From Peaches to Pineapples: Day Three

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North America » United States » New Mexico » Albuquerque
January 11th 2024
Published: January 11th 2024
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Today's travels took us from Oklahoma through Texas to New Mexico. Again, mostly uneventful. We did get to visit Cadillac Ranch in Amarillo, TX. It's a set of cars buried nose first in the dirt. James was quite intrigued.
The weather was VERY cold and windy. My car normally gets 40 MPG and today it was hovering at 26 MPG due to fighting the wind. We saw leftover snow in some places as well. Millie is unimpressed with the cold.
James accurately let us know we were in the desert but when he saw cows he said they didn't belong in the desert, they belong on the farm. I told him maybe it was a desert farm and he said, hm, that makes sense.
We made it to Albuquerque and are staying with Scott's sister and her husband. James enjoyed "shoveling" their snow with his bulldozer trucks.

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