Marcie's Big Adventure - Day 14/ Last Cruise Day - Dover, England

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April 20th 2024
Published: April 21st 2024
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Hi Everyone,

Today is our last day of cruising. The port is Dover, England. When this cruise was booked last year, I had booked myself a tour I really wanted to go on. My (then) cabin mate said that she preferred a different tour and didn't want to go alone. Even though I had already been to both the places on that tour, I cancelled what I had booked and got onto her tour. By the time, she cancelled her trip. there were no available seats on the excursion that I had originally booked but I did not cancel the excursion that I had booked to travel with her. The other day, I decided to cancel it and stay on board. So my last cruise day was spent on board drinking lots of tea, honey and lemon to get rid of the sore throat that I woke up with and it was gone by mid-afternon. Even with that, I enjoyed the day very much. Tonight's dinner was in one of the fancy restaurants and six of the seven of us solo folks met there for dinner. Meal was good and company was great. My cruise turned out so much better because of our little solo group. Of the 7, there were 4 widows, 2 married folks traveling solo and one divorced person. Then we all went our own ways as it was 10PM. I still had to pack and get my big fat suitcase out in the hall by midnight. Did that, finished the last of the 3 books I brought and turned the light out. Remember when I told you yesterday that we moved an hour back last night? Well, tonight we move it forward an hour again! Sad to see the cruise part come to an end. However, I'm very tired. Tomorrow I head to Amsterdam from the Rotterdam port. Will leave from Amsterdam on Wednesday morning (here) and get home Wednesday night (Eastern time). Hugs!


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