Death Valley to Yosemite National Park

Published: June 14th 2013
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Death Valley to Yosemite National Park.

Needed a very good start today as drive to Yosemite National Park well over 350 miles.

Bought stamps at the Ranch post office and got our postcards stamped with the “Death Valley” mark before setting off at 8am.

Our route took us through another long stretch of Death Valley. We could not imagine how anyone could work in these temperatures but there was a lot of mining right across the area a century ago, especially of Bauxite. (No idea what they do with Bauxite, must look it up when I have my Google back again !).

We passed a Bauxite mine and then some rather spectacular sand dunes. The sort of desert area we have flown over in the Sahara, just plain piles of golden sand. Different from the rest of the desert here which is peppered throughout with rocks and vegetation of one sort or another.

Another absolutely unforgettable drive and never a dull moment all the way to Yosemite. Just before leaving Death Valley Park we saw a coyote which kindly posed for photos.

Next came the snow-capped and very dramatic Sierra Nevada mountain range which we followed right along to the Yosemite National Park.

We stopped for brunch at a traditional diner in Big Pine and shortly afterwards turned into Yosemite.

Time, now we are out of the intense heat of Nevada and back in California, to take advantage of our convertible Mustang and we drove though the park with the roof down which was great fun but Bob’s face is now a little suntanned.

Park entrance fees paid we drove about 50 miles through a spectacular landscape. Everywhere we have driven so far has been very dry. We’ve seen very few rivers or lakes but in Yosemite there is water in abundance in the form of flooded fields, rivers, streams and waterfalls. The rocks are granite and amazing, and the ravines carved out by the water millions of years ago, deeper than any we have seen before. We saw a lot of evidence of fires with entire hillsides covered with the charred remains of trees.

Our hotel for the night, Cedar Lodge, is on the Mercad river and comprises several separate accommodation blocks. Also a swimming pool which we used before having dinner at the hotel restaurant then an early night after such a long drive. We have time to explore a little more of Yosemite tomorrow before setting out for the coast at San Fransisco.

What a truly amazing holiday we are having.

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