Hobos or Vagabonds?

Published: June 26th 2011
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Rohnert Park - Palm Springs

An escapee!An escapee!An escapee!

We weren't too sure if this little guy was coming or going!
Hobo: a tramp or vagrant.

Vagabond: wandering from place to place without any settled home; nomadic: a vagabond tribe.

By these definitions, we’re definitely vagabonds. We turned in the keys to our house to our property manager and we officially became vagabonds at 8 AM when we left Rohnert Park in the rear-view mirror. What a totally bizarre life!

While driving down I5, there were construction signs about one hundred miles out. We decided to drive through Wasco instead of getting stuck in the one-lane traffic. David’s family is from Wasco, so we went to the farm and took a couple of pictures. There were also three brand new “model homes” in the middle of nowhere which were apparently abandoned. So sad.

Right now I’m sitting in a Palm Springs hotel at 10 PM. Palm Springs is a city of about 45,000 people. Its most famous residents are Suzanne Somers and Barry Manilow, and Sonny Bono used to be mayor. Palm Springs is also home to a relatively large gay community. In the city, 7.2% of households belong to a same-sex couple compared to the national average of 1%.

Tomorrow we’re heading to Tucson and then
Dave and AravalDave and AravalDave and Araval

We almost visited Araval State Prison. Almost...
Monday – Mexico! I’ll keep you posted!

Additional photos below
Photos: 3, Displayed: 3


Wasco FarmWasco Farm
Wasco Farm

Dave's grandparents' farm in Wasco

26th June 2011

I personally prefer "explorer" or "adventurer". "Pioneer" sounds nice too, but may be pushing it a bit. Whatever the label, I admire and am so jealous of you guys. I hope you have a wonderful time and keep us homebound lame-o's up to date on your adventures. Before you cross into Mexico, please assure me you've done your estate plan and are armed....( :

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