Majestic Monument Valley

Published: May 15th 2016
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Greetings all

We took a detour from our Utah adventure to head into Arizona for a few day to check out some of the amazing natural scenery that state is blessed with. First stop was Monument Valley setting for a thousand westons, car commercials and hollywood blockbusters.

I have always wanted to visit but was slightly worried that it would not match the westerns or be a bit touristy but I was wrong it was amazing. Keeping in with our vow to camp where ever we stayed we found a deserted camp ground on the reservation and setup for the evening. We were the only ones camping that night and it was amazing, there is little electricity on the Navajo reservation so the night sky was truly stunning.

You alway think of Arizona as a hot desert landscape and by day it is, but at night the temperature plummets to -2 and my $15 dollar Walmart sleeping bag really wasn't upto it. In the morning we had to knock the ice off the tent to open the zip. but with those view it is worth it. A truly memorable place.

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Photos: 37, Displayed: 22


16th May 2016

Sounds cold
Looks amazing though, it definitely looks like a western set. Did you see any tumble weeds?
16th May 2016

Actually yes there were loads about they are very spiky, like a ball of thorns
19th June 2016

Love this one
Love how the middle one has a shadow on it. Fab.
19th June 2016

It's an amazing place and really still quiet and underdeveloped

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