Charming Sitka

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September 14th 2009
Published: October 2nd 2009
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Mariner passes by small, heavily forested islands as we approach through Sitka Sound this morning. Our destination? An Alaskan town where Russian influences mix with the Tlingit Indian culture in a scenic setting.

While many passengers have chosen water or land adventures, Alan and I are taking a break from sponsored excursions. Sitka is just the place for a long walk on a beautiful, sunny day.

After taking the tender to town, we walk past St. Michael’s Cathedral before browsing the gift shops. Continuing through the harbor area, Alan and I soon reach Sitka National Historical Park. Inside, Tlingit craftsmen demonstrate woodcarving, mask making and other native crafts. Eighteen totem poles decorate the forested trails of the park.

Although signs warn of bear encounters, Alan and I are disappointed when we don’t meet any. Walking on a bridge that crosses the river, we stop to watch salmon in the last stages of spawning. The banks are lined with dead fish that have completed their life cycle.

When the woods end, we cross a highway, continuing to the Alaska Raptor Center. Inside, injured bald eagles and other wild birds are rehabilitated for eventual release back into the Alaskan wilderness. At one large enclosure, we observe a large bald eagle as he swivels his head from side to side, ever alert.

Later, as the ship sails away, we enjoy another early evening filled with beautiful scenery. Whales spout in the distance. When one comes close the ship, Alan and I rush outside for a closer look. Those cameras that perpetually hang around our necks? They’re back in the room, of course.

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2nd October 2009

Love your pictures
Isn't Sitka just beautiful? I love Mt. Edgecumbe, the volcano. You know I've lived in Juneau for almost 5 years and the land never ceases to amaze you. Some days, you forget its beauty until you walk out your door and a picture moment is awaiting you. Whether it's the Mendenhall Towers being coated in snow in Juneau, sunset at Auke Bay, or even just a raven attacking your trash and being so sneaky and deceptive because you know you packed it especially tight to outwit him. Alaska, Southeast Alaska especially, is a truly amazing place. Glad you got to see it! :)

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