Puerto Escondido

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November 29th 2011
Published: November 29th 2011
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An update from last week – our car is now fixed! YAY!! Bright and early Tuesday morning we drove the 75 miles to Huatulco. The Service Manager pulled a worker-bee from whatever he was doing and worked on our car. An hour later it was fixed. What a relief!

Now that we have our car, we’re making up for lost time! Thursday, Thanksgiving, we drove to San Agustinillo, Zipolite, and Puerto Angel. All three towns were quite beautiful! San Agustinillo is a tiny village of 250 people. We stopped at a restaurant overlooking the beach and watched three guys boogie-boarding, the only people on the beach, while imagining what it would be like to stay there for a month. While it was quite idyllic, I don’t think it would be for us.

We got in the car and drove five minutes to Zipolite. Zipolite has about 900 residents, but what they’re best known for is being a nude beach. We saw one beach bum with a huge…surfboard!

The last town we came upon was Puerto Angel. It looked to be a quaint town and we would have loved to have stayed longer, but we had to get going, as the roads are spotty at best.

The weather for the last month that we stayed in Puerto Escondido has been perfect, albeit hot and humid. We start each day under the fans gazing out at the Pacific and end each day by swimming in the pool. December 1st we will be going to the Guatemalan border, where we will renew our visas. Due to the cost of getting our car fixed, as well as other financial circumstances, we decided to regroup and save up before going into another country. We will be going to San Cristobal de las Casas, Mexico, a beautiful city of about 250,000. We were here on vacation a couple of years ago, but this will be the first time we have wheels. It should be fun!

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Casa Babylon and mojitosCasa Babylon and mojitos
Casa Babylon and mojitos

Go to Casa Babylon for the best mojitos!

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