Guanajuato Film Festival

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July 30th 2011
Published: July 31st 2011
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A couple of weeks ago the State of Guanajuato began its Film Festival. It started in the city of Guanajuato this past Wednesday. We went to the movies for the past four days.

Wednesday night we went to the movies on the University of Guanajuato’s staircase. The staircase is 113 stairs, so it held approximately 300 people. When we walked down the hill, the sky was very ominous. Lightning was flashing all around the statue of El Pipila, the famous miner from the Mexican War of Independence, as well as all the churches. Luckily, I brought my umbrella, so it never started to rain. We watched a classically old Mexican movie; unfortunately, it was in Spanish with no subtitles, so while we didn’t get everything that was said, we got the humor from the crowd.

Thursday night we went to the Teatro Principal to view the Canadian director Adam Traynor’s Ivory Tower. Teatro Principal is quite beautiful and we will be going there in the future for musicals or plays. The movie, however, was too quirky for our liking.

Friday night we had a choice of two venues – either going to the cemetery to watch scary movies or going to a blocked-off tunnel to watch more adult movies. We chose going to the cemetery, but after walking through a rather sketchy neighborhood to watch scary movies in a cemetery, we decided to opt for the tunnel. It took us awhile to find the tunnel, but it was worth the hunt. The screen was at the end of the blocked-off tunnel. When we got to the tunnel, the movie was just about to start; the screen was starting to get lit up. The tunnel was completely dark and I was getting as nervous as I was going to the cemetery. I had little to worry about though; the movies (shorts) were quite good.

Today we watched both movie shorts and a regular movie (four hours) at the Convention Center. The Convention Center, built in 1991, was a definite show-stopper. It sits high on the hills and looks out on the city. It was very awe-inspiring. We watched seven shorts and a regular movie entitled Bombay Beach. All were quite good and quite thought-provoking. But the best part of the film festival was that it was free!


31st July 2011

Hi Sis
Sounds like you're having a wonderful retirement! Thanks for filling us in on everything. What a fun festival. How's the espanol coming along?
1st August 2011

You know me, I do much better at festivals than at school! It's Sunday evening & I'm already thinking that I don't want Monday to come, as I haven't done my homework yet!

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