Mexico 2018 part V - historical sites

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January 3rd 2019
Published: April 27th 2019
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Pyramid of the SunPyramid of the SunPyramid of the Sun

The main attraction at Teotihuacan is a spectacular pyramid, Pyramid of the Sun. Try to spot the people who are climbing to get to the top or those who stand on the top looking down at us. They look small, don't they?

Three historical sites with very strange names

After we came home I started to plan the blogs and how I could tell what we were up to the weeks we were in Mexico. In order to avoid some blogs to become too large I decided to pull out some photos and present them in separate blogs. Here is one of those. This blog will be focused on some historical sites.

The three sites I am going to write about here are Teotihuacan, Tula and Tenochtitlán. The historical sites in Mexico have some strange names. I am lucky that I only have to spell them right and nobody expects me to pronounce them correctly.

Teotihuacan - Teotihuacan is one of the most spectacular historical sites in all of Mexico. To be honest, it is so spectacular that it actually ranks pretty high even in an international perspective. It is located conveniently close to Mexico City. The main attraction at Teotihuacan is a spectacular pyramid, Pyramid of the Sun. It is 65 meters high and covers an area similar to four soccer fields. This pyramid is so large that it actually is difficult to
Pyramid of the SunPyramid of the SunPyramid of the Sun

Pyramid of the Sun and some other structures of Teotihuacan
grasp its size even after having seen it.

At Teotihuacan there is one other really big pyramid - Pyramid of the Moon. It is somewhat smaller that the other pyramid but is still impressive.

At Teotihuacan there are also remains of many other smaller structures. The various ruins of Teotihuacan are spread out over a very large area. So large that anyone who wishes to see all of it will need to spend an entire day at the site. We didn't though. We were quite happy after having seen the most important structures. My mother actually climbed to the top of Pyramid of the Sun. That's quite impressive of her!

Tula - The site Tula is further away from Mexico City than Teotihuacan. It is possible to visit it from Mexico City, we saw that tour operators arrange day tours, but it will probably be a very long day going there and back and see the entire site. We visited Tula while we were on our little tour of central Mexico.

Tula has several structures. Among them two pyramids and two ball courts. The two highlights, at least for me, in Tula
Pyramid of the SunPyramid of the SunPyramid of the Sun

Pyramid of the Sun as seen from Pyramid of the Moon

• four large statues that stood on top of one of the pyramids and
• the ruins of a palace. The columns that used to hold up the roof still today stand in their original formation and are lined up in perfect symmetry.

Tenochtitlán - This is a small site in rather poor condition but it is of great historical importance. Tenochtitlan is the name of a city that was located where Mexico City is today. Pretty much all of this city was torn down and destroyed by the Spanish. Much of the building material was then used to build the palaces, churches and other buildings that today can be seen in Mexico City. During excavations in the central city some remains of the palaces of Teotihuacan were uncovered. Some of the colonial buildings that stood on top of these remains were pulled down and the ruins of old Teotihuacan were laid bare. They are today on display next to a museum.

Many of the Central American pyramids are constructed in layers. They did this by first building a small pyramid. Then some years later they built a new pyramid on top
My mother on top of Pyramid of the SunMy mother on top of Pyramid of the SunMy mother on top of Pyramid of the Sun

My mother on top of Pyramid of the Sun with Pyramid of the Moon in the background. She made it all the way to the top. That is quite impressive of her.
of the first pyramid completely covering it. Again later a third pyramid was build using the previous two pyramids as foundation. After six or seven generations the pyramid resembled an onion as it was built in layers. This layered structure is clearly visible in the ruins of the temples of Teotihuacan. It was interesting to see.

If you are interested in other historical sites you might wish to also have a look at two of the previous blogs from Mexico. We have there written about Xochimilco and Cholula, two sites which both are historical sites which predates the arrival of the Spanish.

Additional photos below
Photos: 20, Displayed: 20


Pyramid of the MoonPyramid of the Moon
Pyramid of the Moon

Pyramid of the Moon can only be climbed about half way. Those tiny dots are humans...
Pyramid of the Moon Pyramid of the Moon
Pyramid of the Moon

Pyramid of the Moon as seen from Pyramid of the Sun

At Teotihuacan there are also remains of many other smaller structures

The various ruins of Teotihuacan are spread out over a very large area. So large that anyone who wishes to see all of it will need to spend an entire day at the site.
A super sized root cellar?A super sized root cellar?
A super sized root cellar?

So what was the Pyramid of the Sun used for? There is a tunnel leading into it so perhaps it was just a super sized root cellar.

Just a random cactus. I added this photo for those who by now are tired of pyramids...
Ball court at TulaBall court at Tula
Ball court at Tula

Tula has several structures. Among them two ball courts.
The two pyramids at TulaThe two pyramids at Tula
The two pyramids at Tula

Tula has several structures. Among them two pyramids.
The main pyramidThe main pyramid
The main pyramid

The main pyramid at Tula.
Four statuesFour statues
Four statues

One of the highlights in Tula was four large statues that stood on top of one of the pyramids
Ruins of a palaceRuins of a palace
Ruins of a palace

One of the highlights in Tula was the ruins of a palace.
Ruins of a palaceRuins of a palace
Ruins of a palace

The columns that used to hold up the roof of the palace still today stand in their original formation and are lined up in perfect symmetry

Tenochtitlán is a small site in rather poor condition but it is of great historical importance
Constructed in layersConstructed in layers
Constructed in layers

Many of the Central American pyramids are constructed in layers. In a way the pyramids resembled an onion with one layer on top of another layers. This layered structure is clearly visible in the ruins of the temples of Teotihuacan.

Tenochtitlan is the name of a city that was located where Mexico City is today. Pretty much all of this city was torn down and destroyed by the Spanish
Skulls as decorationsSkulls as decorations
Skulls as decorations

The skulls aren't real. At least I surely hope they aren't...

27th April 2019

Ein sehr schöner interessanter Bericht....schöne Bilder ....ganz liebe Grüße...
28th April 2019

Vielen Dank
Vielen Dank, Daniela. /Ake
27th April 2019
Four statues

I missed this site ;o(
28th April 2019
Four statues

Small but nice
It was a relatively small site but it was nice. The statues were what made us go there and the ruins of the palace was a pleasant surprise. /Ake
29th April 2019

Ancient Ruins and historical sites
Well done... fantastic photos and you've managed to go to a part of Mexico we have not read to many blogs about. Thanks for this information. Rich in history.
30th April 2019

I can absolutely recommend central Mexico
Mexico is by many seen as an unsafe country. It is a reputation which is undeserved. It is a wonderful country and, as you said, very rich in history. /Ake
30th April 2019
Pyramid of the Sun

Pyramid of the Sun
Very impressive Ake. When I see such spectacular pics it gives me great pleasure that the desire to attract tourists encourages governments to restore and maintain such iconic sights. History is the story of the past and its telling should always be promoted. Great pic.
1st May 2019
Pyramid of the Sun

Not as impressive as IRL
If you think it looks impressive in the photos I must add that it is nothing compared to see it in real life. /Ake
30th April 2019
Skulls as decorations

Skulls as decorations
Surely telling many fascinating stories in these stone carvings. Ahhh...the wonder!
1st May 2019
Skulls as decorations

We are happy they survived
We can be very happy that these particular carvings has survived. The Spanish destroyed pretty much all of Tenochtitlan. I don't even want to think about how many treasures and artworks and all the cultural heritage that was lost there. /Ake
5th February 2020
Pyramid of the Sun

bucket list
We hope to be able to travel through Mexico one day. It is on our bucket list for sure! But this site looks so impressive. We will definitely put this on the list, too.
10th February 2020
Pyramid of the Sun

Easily accessible too
This site is also easily accessible too. It is only a hour or two at the most away from Mexico City. Considering its size and where it is there actually are very few tourists there as well. /Ake

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