Goodbye Mexico, Hello Guatemala!

Published: February 1st 2012
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San Cristobal

We have been in Mexico for seven months. As I look back, I can remember crossing the border in Nogales. We were nervous, not sure if we wanted to do this big adventure, barely knowing the language. Now that we’re going to cross in to Guatemala, we’re nervous and barely know the language. The only difference is we can’t imagine NOT doing this big adventure.

When I think back on all the stuff I’ve done, it seems rather surreal. I can not only drive you around the tunnels of Guanajuato, I can find shortcuts in the tunnels to get around the traffic. I have climbed a mountain (okay, maybe a big hill) to take part, albeit vicariously, in a religious experience. We watched men, hanging from their feet, spin to the ground in Mexico City. We’ve witnessed Day of the Dead ceremonies. We’ve been to a hundred museums and probably twice as many churches. We have hiked through the jungle to discover a beautiful waterfall. We have climbed to the top of Mayan ruins and crawled to the bottom of silver mines. We were even in a 6.2 earthquake! Sure beats a day at the office!

Now in a couple of days we’re off to Antigua. We’ve been trying to get a lot of stuff done beforehand, i.e., taxes, insurance, etc. We’ve also been hanging out, waiting until our retirement checks appeared in our bank account. It’s expensive to pay for apartments and insurance ahead of time!

Anyway, even though our cell phones and GPS won’t work when we cross the border, I’m still excited to go into the land of volcanoes and lakes. I see a lot of volcano climbing in my future!

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1st February 2012

Quite the adventure
It is so much fun to read your blogs!!
1st February 2012

1st February 2012

Cool picture. Great depth of field.
4th February 2012

Thanks. I just started taking these pics; my husband's a great teacher!
2nd February 2012

Happy Travels!
You are the amassadors for smartly living your dreams! Makes me want to chuck it all and go on that wanderlust adventure! Not sure I could live without the 4 star hotels, but you make it seem worthwhile! Hope your next adventures are even better than what you've experienced so far!
4th February 2012

I haven't seen the inside of a 4-star hotel since I don't know when! It's funny, I'm now used to brushing teeth with bottled water, milk that comes in a box on a shelf, even roosters that crow only after midnight. But I wouldn't change it for anything!
3rd February 2012

Yee Haw!
Love the photos and narrative! Onward and upward! We're so jealous of your great adventure. Enjoy and keep sending photos!!
4th February 2012

Thanks! Love you guys and miss you all. Now, how about kitchen pics?!

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