Friendly Gray Whales of Baja Lagoons

Published: April 10th 2016
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They have been hunted to near extinction by the whalers in the nineteenth century. Many hunts were carried out in the lagoons of Baja Mexico where the whales would come during the winter to give birth. Pregnant mothers and new mothers in the lagoons were an easy target in the shallow waters of the lagoons. By the middle of twentieth century, these whales have been given protection under internatio... Read Full Entry

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Sea lion coveSea lion cove
Sea lion cove

La Jolla, San Diego

11th April 2016

Im Jealous!
Loved this blog - must say the Grey Whale has eluded me so far but one day! great to see an example of eco tourism done right.
11th April 2016

I guess eco tourism seems the only possibility in this remote area. A few operators and not many tourists, the biosphere reserve is well protected by Mexican law. Only a limited number of tourist boats are allowed at a time. The frolicking gray whale calves are a testament to that !
12th April 2016

It has been far too long
Glad to see you back on the road as it has been a while. We love your writing style and as always your photos are exceptional. This sounds like a fantastic trip. Thanks for sharing. Glad they take eco tourism seriously.
13th April 2016

Thanks Dave & Merry. Yes it is quite an experience hanging out with the mama & baby whales at these lagoons.
12th April 2016

I envy you
I am envious of you getting this experience. I hope to see them myself in the future. /Ake
13th April 2016

Your travels will bring you to these lagoons some day. If you happen to be in Mexico in Feb, March or early April, check these lagoons out. Whales are more approachable towards the end of the season in March/April.
26th June 2016

What a beautiful experience! Stellar photos, as always, thanks for sharing!

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