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June 15th 2022
Published: June 18th 2022
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Shelley and I decided to leave our campsite a day early to make it home before the bad weather arrived. It was predicted that there would be some high winds and thunderstorms coming into our region and we really didn't want to drive the RV through that.

The traffic through Quebec City was mostly avoided as we remained north on the 40 and then the 50 highway towards Gatineau. This was the best decision really. We enjoyed our drive back, but we'd been behind the wheel a lot in the last two weeks and the anticipation of getting home was nice.

Everything was just as we left it. Several neighbours came over to greet us and hear about our trip. We couldn't believe the amount of stuff we were bringing back with us! We made so many trips back and forth between the RV and our home, bringing everything in - food, shopping, supplies, equipment, etc....

If felt really good to be home. We enjoyed our little trip very much. Lots of lessens learned. We would have spent more time in the Boston/Cape Cod/Hyannis and Freeport, Maine areas a bit more. Fundy was terrific too, but is a loooooooooong drive away from here.

So that's it! Hope you've enjoyed coming along with us on this little journey. Now I'm off to Vancouver and Sechelt for a week.


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