Toronto to Mamaroneck

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April 15th 2023
Published: April 18th 2023
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Tough for all of us to leave Toronto but the Uber is booked for 6.30. The skylight in our top floor bedroom generally helps with waking up but it still feels early. We beat the sunrise but only just. And what a beautiful sunrise it was. Looks like another stunning day ahead. But...we'll be in transit for most of it. Uber costs $100 but the ride goes well this time of day. Toronto traffic out to Pearson Airport is notoriously bad but our ride is smooth. Until we get to the airport. Ubers and Taxis are double parked at the terminal and there are so many people checking in and dropping bags. We foolishly assume that we can check in and drop bags at the self serve terminals. Nope! We have to download an app for Westjet and the app (after many frustrating attempts) will only register Jules passport. The camera, no matter who or how many times with line it up, won't register the other passports. I decide to join the massive assisted check-in queue as a just-in-case. Jules and Deaks finally get us all checked-in but it won't allow us to drop off our bags. We have to pay $40 extra per bag! We booked this flight through Qantas to avoid drama and baggage fees but this late surprise is the icing on the shitcake.

This shitcake has more than just icing though. Jules constantly checks her smartwatch as we wait in the winding queue, I optimistically and repetitively claim "we've still got time" "We're alright, they'll call out La Guardia when they need us and we'll be pushed to the front of the queue." We're 3 from the front when they call "La Guardia!" It's an old school check-in / baggage drop with the WestJet team member adding our tags to our bags and checking our tickets and passports. But no, we don't drop our bags here. We're going to the US. That's down at Gate A, we're at Gate C. Now we're walking fast as we drag our bags through the crowd towards Gate A - follow the Stars and Stripes signage. This is self serve bag drop machine and we patiently (kind of) maneuver each bag so that the red light can read the barcodes. 3 down one to go. Deaks luggage is deemed too big by the self-serve scanner. It's not but how do you explain that to a computer. Computer says NO! We try the conveyer belt beside us and success! Though I'm secretly worried that this conveyor belt goes to a different location and we'll never see our luggage together again.

Home and hosed. Nope! We're yet to get through security and customs. Cool! No line at the gate for security. Oh, hang on that's just the first gate. Behind the first gate is another enormous queue that doesn't appear to be moving. We are tempted to join the shorter "family/assisted" queue but can't find a stroller big enough for either Deaks or Milla and I can't see any abandoned wheelchairs we could borrow just for half an hour. The security queue is then dividing off into further queues at the various baggage x-ray machines. We are directed to queue 4. I wish we'd gone to queue 2. We watch queue 2 flow through as we wait for the trainee scanner guy to meticulously check and re-check every bag that goes through. Unload all your pockets, take of your shoes. This is ridiculous!

Yes, we're through. Not yet! No it's US customs. They do it in Canada apparently to save time in America. How's that going? The watch checks are increasing in frequency and I'm less confident we'll make the 9.00 boarding call. Thankfully this US customs official is less an asshole than the bloke in LA and we get through the interrogation relatively quickly.

Stressed and starving we rush for our gate. Finally safe at our gate we're glad to see another queue. We made it and we might even have time to grab some food for the flight. We made it! Two and a half hours was nearly not enough time for this shitty airport. We find out from Alex that she avoids Pearson at any cost and Jane had mentioned to Jules that coming in via the smaller Billy Bishop airport is the wiser move. Next time!

We agree to a car from La Guardia and brace for the attempted rip-off at the other end of the drive. Right on queue the agreed price of $80 USD has morphed into $120 USD. No, no, no my hombre. We agreed on $4 per mile and it was 19 miles. Tolls he says. "Tolls?" Si, 2 tolls - $10 each! "OK, 2 tolls $10 each (not true) and $4 per mile. Let's split the diference, $100? Agreed.

It's good to be back in Mamaroneck. Dave is gardening in the front yard and the kids are glad to see each other. Especially the boys. Oliver and Elliot idolise Deaks. Duncan...Bacon.

Jules and I head out to catch up with Trent (Pumpkin). It's been something like 20 years since we've seen each other but our drinks and snacks at Sedona Taphouse are like nothings changed. He doesn't have even a hint of an accent even after 20 years here and seems to still be settling into life in America. Even after two decades, a marriage and a child. He's gotten to see alot of the country with his work ad coaching but still hesitates to call it home.

Back to Frank Ave and we have an impromptu game of baseball in the front yard. We evolve from using a tennis ball and a mallet to using a baseball bat and a tennis ball in the park behind the house. Everyone gets a bat and a pitch before the rains rushes us home.

Alex has cooked up a storm and share a delcious lamb and aubergine dish with flatbread and eggplant parmigiana. The kids play FIFA and the girls watch Netflix.


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