Blogs from Middle East - page 4


Middle East » Cyprus » Limassol April 11th 2024

Easy 10am flight on the 10th April from East Midlands Airport via Jet2 to Larnaca. Our pickup there turned out to be a private taxi as there was only the two of us to go West to Limassol. It seems most people went East, direction of Aya Napa. Very pleasant to have a taxi to ourselves and straight there with no other dropoffs on the way. We are staying at the lovely Atlantic Miramare Hotel. It's on the beach. We have a superior sea view room, extra big and a stunning view round the bay and across the sea from our balcony. No hire car until tomorrow but all organised for one to be delivered to the hotel tomorrow morning. We are as always only booked bed and breakfast as we plan to eat out everynight ... read more
240411 Cyprus (3)
240411 Cyprus (10)
240411 Cyprus (11)

Middle East » Jordan » South » Wadi Rum April 10th 2024

Something that I had always wanted to try and get a picture of is the Milky Way, but I had never been anywhere dark enough before. We had been advised during our star-gazing that it would be at its most visible at 4.00 in the morning, so at 3.45 I headed out of our little hut into the darkness. It's difficult to set-up the tripod and camera, select the correct settings, line the camera up in the right direction and focus it correctly in pitch darkness. After several blurred, over/under exposed and lopsided photographs, I got some that I was pleased with. There was no point in going back to bed as I also wanted to be out for the sunrise a couple of hours later. The restaurant building was unlocked and surprisingly has wifi, so ... read more
Desert Sunrise
Hotel Room View

Middle East » Jordan » North » Amman April 9th 2024

This day actually started with a continuation of the day before. Our flight left Heathrow in the early evening, but that meant, with the two hour time difference, that we did not actually arrive in Amman until 1.30 in the morning. Definitely not the most sociable of times to arrive in a new country. Thankfully, we were being met at the airport and we were surprised to discover that meant being met before we went through immigration. We had understood that the visas were being arranged for us on arrival and we were wondering how they were planning on doing that, so all became clear. That said, it was very disconcerting when someone we had only just met took our passports and disappeared, apparently to go and get an additional stamp. All was good. He then ... read more
Flight Beer
Inside The Blue Mosque

Middle East » Turkey » Marmara » Istanbul April 6th 2024

A good traveller has no fixed plans and is not intent on arriving . A quote from some while ago from Lao Tzu put away for a day it could be used . Today seemed that day . Day 1 or just the day before travel . We are counting down . The boarding opens in 1 hour 42 mins . We are pacing about as you cannot get further away from motorhoming than this holiday . For the first time I had to find something other than Europe to put in the continent . Turkey did not come up in Europe nor Asia but was lurking in Middle East . We printed off our boarding cards, put them safely away and made all our last minute plans for the trip. Day 2 - the day ... read more
Breakfast business class style
I just love a screenshot of where the plane is flying over
The Peak District

Middle East » Turkey » Aegean » Bodrum March 20th 2024

20 MART ÇARŞAMBA 2024 Tav’ın imkanlarından yararlanarak biraz dinlenme biraz da uyuklama fırsatı bulduk... Sabaha karşı daha fazla oyalanmadan, bekleme salonuna geçtik Uçağımız saatinde kalktı .. Sabah 08:30 gibi Bodrum hava alanına indik … Otobüsümüze binip Bodrum eski otogarında indik … Şimdi artık eskisi gibi değil ..şehir dışına Torba'ya yeni Otogar yapılmış... Bu durum belediyeye sizden iki kez para kesmek fırsatı yaratmaktadır .. Alandan yeni otogara bir para...yeni otogardan eski otogara ayrı para.. Niye böyle diye soran yolculara manasız ve içi boş bir ton açıklama getiriyorlar Millet gülüyor ... Eski otogarda İçmeler minibüsü adeta bizi bekliyordu.. Evimizin önünde indik … Yokuşumuz biraz zorladı fakat eve kavuşmak çok güzel … Kahvelerimizi b... read more

Middle East » Turkey » Aegean » Bodrum March 19th 2024

19 MART SALI 2024 Bugün dönüş günü … Sabah uyandık ve evi mal sahibinin uyarıları doğrultusunda ,bulaşıkları temiz ve ortalığı toparlanmış bir şekilde 9:20 de terkettik . Aracımızı park yerinden kapıp, GPS ‘i Strasbourg’a ayarladık… Çok rahat bir yolculuktan sonra 11:30 gibi şehre girdik .. Aracın benzin ikmalinden sonra aldığımız parka teslim ettik..daha doğrusu terk ettik . Bermutad, her hangi bir teslim alıcı mevcut değil .. Ofise gidip durumu anlattık .. Dolu aldık, dolu bıraktık diye sıkı sıkıya tembih ettik .. Aracı kiralarken, bizden güvenlik adına 377,20 Euro para kesmişlerdi. Aracımızı sıfır fena puanla teslim ettiğimizden ,bu paranın iade edilmesini talep ettik … Trenimiz 13:55'te .. Vakit var biraz kenti gezelim dedik … A... read more

Middle East » Saudi Arabia » Jeddah March 9th 2024

My first blog and first visit to Saudi Arabia. It has to be a diving one for diving my 69th country! From 2005 to 2010, two liveaboard were operating on the Red Sea Saudi side. At the time they had managed to get visa for diver. Well, one day in 2010, the government told them that they had one month to leave the country. Then in 2019 Saudi established a new tourism visa, the road was open again for diving trips to Saudi. With Covid, it meant those operations only resumed in 2022...Tornado fleet with 2 boats and another company just launch another boat. That's not a lot of divers for such a place. The season here extend from October to June. First a little of geography about the possibilities of diving in Saudi. I'm diving ... read more
Very comfortable Monsoon liveaboard...
Fishes everywhere...
End of another beautiful day....

Middle East » Kuwait March 1st 2024

First blog of 2024...and back on the road for a solid trip! This is not my first flight of the year, I went to Hong Kong, Shanghai and Bangkok late January, but I'll spare you blogs of places I lived in total for 15 years! This is my first visit to Kuwait. Why you are going to ask me, the answer is simple, why not! The online visa process is easy and just short of 10usd. Once in Kuwait, you go through a special visa question asked, just a lot of smiles and welcome! I guess this place doesn't welcome that many tourists! I had a closer look at what's available. I have to admit, I passed on the War memorial as well as the oil and gas exhibition. I could have dived here, but ... read more
Kuwait City in the background...
This is like any Middle East...without the steroids...
Breakfast at the Courtyard Marriott...

Middle East » Oman » Dhofar February 12th 2024

We left our desert camp around midday, having been assured the journey to Muscat would take hours and the roads might be closed. In fact it took two hours and we were dumped at the airport, very annoyed, six hours before our flight. When we came to check in, we were told that as we had not taken the first part of our flight tickets (Khasab to Muscat, cancelled by Oman Air), we could not be checked in on this ticket. It was only the persistence of Faisal our check in desk agent, who insisted that this was ridiculous and marched over to the ticketing office, that got us on our plane. The next day was spent on idleness at our delightful Anantara hotel, but we resolved to take a trip to see the sights to ... read more
Sumhuram walls
Semi ruined Mirbat Fort
Dhofar plateau

Middle East » Oman » Nizwa February 9th 2024

We enjoyed a much needed day off on Thursday, enjoying the luxury of the Alila hotel, with its stunning views over the mountains. It sits on a promontory of rock with deep gorges on either side, and has been built from local stone to blend into the landscape. We did the one hour nature walk but opted not to do the 5km walk in the local area! Friday required a 7am start so we could visit the cattle market at Nizwa. In fact, all the animals being paraded around the small ring were goats, big ones on lengths of green twine and small ones held in the arms of their sellers. There was no auction, interested purchasers simply asked to inspect the animal then offered a price. Once we’d seen enough goats we didn't bother to ... read more
Sword sellers
Nizwa fort
Wahiba Sands

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