The joys of travel.

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Middle East » United Arab Emirates » Dubai
August 1st 2023
Published: August 1st 2023
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Here we go. Snuggled in, internet connection down, seats up, bags above and we are nearly off. Due to depart in 5 minutes and it appears we will. Strange how the few minutes seem important when the flight is scheduled for 14 hours! Good news is that if the wings fall off I’ll be the first to know as I’m almost directly above the port wing. Do you have port and starboard on planes? Boarding was seemless and easy but everything just takes time. We arrive and check in then we wait, we board then we wait but…

The inflight info system has informed us that 2000 plus movies are part of the entertainment, that should mean 3 or 4 will be OK. Hope I find them. The safety details are currently displayed and have attracted the attention of no one so I hope there’s no test at the end. Lap tops and pads are a no no during take off and landing (proving one person was at least listening) so I’m taking a temporary (enforced) break.

Thirteen hours in and the joys of international travel are being reinforced. Well perhaps not because the movies (yes plural for sure) were surprisingly good. I watched ‘Menu’, very cutting and very raw. Don’t worry I’ll stop with the food metaphors but I can see why it sent more than ripples through foodie communities. Also spent the mid-night and early morning hours watching ‘Avatar’ and a not so good ‘The Popes Exorcist’. Russell Crow is fine but the premise and the execution of that premise is over the top. The remaining facets of travel have however tended to reinforce the fact that I’m stuck here, feed not well, have restricted access to the toilets (I never not seen some queue for them all flight) all knowing that when we arrive in Dubai with have a five hour wait for a connection for our next 7 hour flight. The airport layover is OK though as we can walk around and have at least a semblance of independence. The airport in Dubai is huge and sprawling in the manner that all the Emirates ports are but again that’s OK.

Just had a cabin announcement informing us we have less than an hour to our landing and although the local time will be 5:15 in the morning the current temperature is 33 degrees and they are real degrees not the American ones!

Again a little break, see you soon.
In the airport and comfortable but again waiting.
Captain Matt I think I added your name to the automatic receivers list. Journeying through airports may not be the best place to start but it is sure to get better!


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