From the mountains to the sea

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Middle East » Iran » North » Tehran
September 29th 2013
Published: September 28th 2013
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Masuleh to Tehran

I tried to visit Masuleh the last time I was in Iran but a serious traffic accident put paid to that so this time I am going to get there. It is a long day trip through some beautiful country which is saying something because Iran is often an ugly environmental disaster, unfortunately even the pretty mountains around Masuleh are tainted with rubbish where ever you look.

I had a sleepless night so I spent most of the trip to Rasht dozing, with the madness on the roads here believe me it was a blessing. We stopped briefly for tea at Fumen before heading on to the pretty mountain town, as with Kandovan people still live here so it was pleasant to wander the village while people went about their daily business. It was also amusing to watch the Iranian tourists trying on supposed local dress for photographs.

I believe the guide is cheating me at every opportunity, so instead of giving him the money for this side trip I gave it to the driver and he did not look happy, I am sure they will be arguing over it tonight.

Tomorrow I head to the Castles of the Assassins in the Alamut Valley on my way to Tehran airport, there used to be quite a few of these castles but they were destroyed by the Mongols, who can blame them, nobody in power wants to leave a nest of drugged up killers run loose. The Ismaelis still exist today but have given up the murder trade.

My flight leaves Tehran airport at 9.45 pm and takes about two hours to get to Dubai, I still have to get a great big sword through customs yet and then all will be fine. It has been a great trip through eight countries and I have enjoyed some wonderful experiences but it is always good to come home.

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