This is Larnaka

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Middle East » Cyprus » Larnaca
December 16th 2009
Published: April 11th 2012
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We arrive in Larnaca in the evening and immediately become aware of the number of Russian speakers in the city.

As my brother Ivan Kruchkoff rightly mentions in his blog it seems a lot of Russians have come here either in search for work or as a holiday destination. Generally they have come from the Baltic States.

The first day in Larnaca we head to the church of Saint Lazarus.

Yes based on Lazarus from the bible. So the story goes, Lazarus of Bethany became sick. Jesus heard of the news but by the time he had arrived to Bethany, Lazarus was dead. Martha, Lazarus' sister becomes upset with Jesus that Jesus let her brother die. Jesus tells Martha

"I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die".

Jesus then visits the tomb where Lazarus is buried and calls for Lazarus to come out of his tomb.

Lazarus miraculously comes back to life Post Jesus' resurrection the Christians begin to be persecuted in Judea. Lazarus went to Cyprus to search for refuge.

He came to ancient Kition, now modern Larnaca. He then became the first bishop of Kition. He lived here for 30 years before his second and last death. The Byzantine church, erected 1100 years post Lazarus' death stands on his tomb today.

Following the church we visit Larnaca castle.

The castle was built in 1625 by the Ottomans, used to defend Turkish Harbour. Later the castle acted as a German outpost during the second world war. We head to the airport for our flight to Cairo.

The plane is delayed by 20 minutes. Suddenly a storm breaks loose and were stuck. For the next few hours we sit in the airport debating if we will end up sleeping in the airport that night. Our thoughts are only briefly interrupted by the airline handing out free 3€ food coupons. Between me, dad and my brother we manage to collect 21€ which we spend on a yummy dinner. Four hours later the storm stops, our plane takes of and we are on our flight to Egypt.

For a good overview on the divide between Northern and Southern Cyprus have a read of my brother Ivan Kruchkoff's blog.

Additional photos below
Photos: 18, Displayed: 18


Larnaka by nightLarnaka by night
Larnaka by night

Dad and Ivan enjoy christmas decorations

Designed by both Armenian and Cyprus governments. Marks the gratitude of Armenian's to Cyprus - Armenians were fleeing genocide throughout 1915

Designed by both Armenian and Cyprus governments. Marks the gratitude of Armenian's to Cyprus - Armenians were fleeing genocide throughout 1915

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