Bahrain World Trade Center

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Middle East » Bahrain » Manama
March 22nd 2011
Published: March 22nd 2011
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World Trade Center - BahrainWorld Trade Center - BahrainWorld Trade Center - Bahrain

wind turbines between the twin towers
At the Arabian Gulf sits the small archipelago consist of 13 major islands. It is one of the oil producing countries with the biggest oil reserves and it's monetary unity is the dinar.

It is being ruled by monarch. The royalty which ruled the muslim nation for more 30 years. Recently riots in the streets particularly the Pearl round-a-bout is at the center or world media and politics.

The majority Shiite muslims wants to overthrow the Sunni ruling monarch. A martial law imposed and some people died in the protest which is rampant in the middle east including Egypt, Tunisia, Syria, Yemen and more recently Libya.

There's nothing much to see in Manama. It's a rich emirate/state-nation but it will only be fully developed in the next ten years. It's way backward to it's neighboring Dubai where skyscrapers dominates the skyline.

I went to visit a fishing village, the museum, and of course the only structure that is considered modern - The Bahrain World trade Center. It has a windmill. Another ecological way to produce energy even in nation where oil is cheaper than the water.


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