Day 10

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February 11th 2008
Published: February 13th 2008
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Today we headed of for Llangollen (pronounced clangoclen - or thereabouts!!) Once again the Navgirl decided to give Mark's driving a test. We went on a few small roads instead of the major highways. You see with the SatNav you can choose to go to a place the fastest or the shortest... I know what you're saying... that would be about the same thing wouldn't it?... well no it isn't.... the fastest was going to be somewhere around 200 miles of traveling.... the shortest was 130 miles... which way I here you say??.... well the shortest of course.... BAD MOVE!! I think this time we actually hit some Z roads... they even had grass growing in the middle of them!! LOL.... A quick re programing of Navgirl and we headed for some of the bigger A roads.... (The fastest would of put us on the major roads and therefore higher speeds.)

We ended up driving along the coast for quite a bit and it is so different from what we are used to from the West Aussie coast line. The green grass goes right down to the water... looks wonderful. We went through one town at about 12:30pm and it was 2 degrees C. There has been so much ice on the car in the morning, it takes us about 15 minutes to defrost everything! The coats are getting some good use I can tell you.

We stopped at a little place near Corris Uchaf hoping to see King Arthur's Labyrinth, but it was closed, so we looked around some of the little "Arty Farty" shops (Mark's description) and Mark bought me a Gold unicorn necklace. It's the largest one we've seen so far and really pretty.

It took us 4 hours to get to Llangollen and we found an Inn to stay in for the night and went for a walk. Thomas the Tank Engine was there!! LOL.... The Fat Controller was too... this week is "mid term holidays" over here so there is kids everywhere.... they were having a wonderful time on Thomas and I think Percy was one of the other Steam trains. There was Diesel there too. Those of you who have brought kids up with Thomas and Friends will know who the characters are. We missed the last Aquaduct tour for the day by about 15 mins so we will go tomorrow instead. For the rest of the day we just walked around the town and had a look. We bought some magazines and went up to the room to have a quiet afternoon. After a delicious meal, a few drinks and a bit of a play on the strange pokie type machine (which we have no idea how play it so have no way of winning) we headed out for the last smoke of the night and then back to the room. Mark snoozed and I read for a while, then bed.

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Right next door to the Bridge End Hotel where we stayed was a Taxidermist

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