Denbighshire 18 - Pontcysyllte Aqueduct and a walk along the canal bank for the two friends

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August 24th 2020
Published: August 24th 2020
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Thursday - another day . We made the decision early to cancel our house viewings for tomorrow . We thought what's the point . Yesterdays viewers had not come back to us . We had a plan if they rang to see two houses and meet up with Sions best friend Woolly Mammoth . It was with a sadness that we cancelled the visit to Sions friend . He had been waiting two years to see his best friend . So he was disappointed . "Disappointed - I was gutted . So gutted I had to raid the fridge and eat all the strawberries and cream I found there . So gutted that I ate all the crisps and the chocolate biscuits . So gutted I refused to talk to anyone " Sion sadly ate us out of house and home and indeed did refuse to talk to us.

At lunchtime we got a phone call . The first viewers yesterday loved our house , the garden , the veg plot everything and put an offer in . We said yes before the estate agent even got to the end of the conversation . Very quickly we rang the estate agents up in Wales to rebook the viewings and made a call to Woolly Mammoths carer Jo to see if we were still on for a meeting . Unfortunately Sion overheard us - and that was it . "Yessssssssssssssssssss I am meeting my best friend . Can we go now ?" Sadly we had to tell our travelling companion that he would have to wait until tomorrow beofre meeting his friend .

He was up with the lark . "What lark ? I woke up with the alarm clock " It took a long time to get Jen and Glenn sorted . They needed breakfast . Jen had to go swimming . While she was away I packed up my bag full of cheese and onion crisps , 6 packets , two packets of biscuits , some mints and whatever else I found in the fridge . Cheese I found lots of cheese and more chocolate . "Can we go now ?" It was not easy to keep putting him off as he paced the floor .

Our travelling companion started asking have we got there the minute we left home . By the time we had reached Buxton he had eaten his way through three bags of crisps and continually asked us had we arrived yet and could we see Woolly . We tried to keep him quiet by telling him about Buxton but of course he knew all about the rain that plagued Buxton and the famous people who lived there . He was getting very bored minute by minute . By the time we reached Macclesfield all the sweets had gone . And by the time we reached Ruthin to look at our first house he was getting extremely fed up . "Have you rung Jo up to tell her we are on our way" " Have we made sure Woolly is coming ? We could hear Sion shouting while we viewed our first house . Too expensive we thought . It needed work on the faschia board . the door to the garage was falling down . The windows described as modern were about 20 years old , the garden too small , the greenhouse full of weeds . Inside was not much better with artexed ceilings and old kitchen units . We dont mind work but there is a limit to what you want to do . We left disallusioned - lets see if the next one is any better .

"Another house - how can you do this to me ?" " I am here to see Woolly not look around houses " How boring looking round houses when I can go and see my best friend and catch up with news " We calmed Sion down with the promise of something nice to eat . So for a while he sat quiet in the car whilst we viewed house number 2 . The drive - what can I say about the drive ? Shown as flat on the brochure it was about an 8 foot drop from top to bottom . No way would
Gabby park on that slope . The lounge was dull , the ceilings again artexed and the rest of the house left us cold . We left feeling fed up .

Right you have done the houses get me to the Accy ." Where is my friend ?"
We got a message from Jo telling us she had arrived and was waiting for us in the pub. Ask for Jo and we would be let in . "Should be ask for Woolly " Where is my friend ? I am here on the car park I cant see him " We went in and found his best friend . Well you wouldnt believe just how long they sat quietly just talking . Talking about the trips they had been on and remembering the motorhome holidays that Woolly had had , the tent adventures and the holidays at home . You could not hear a pin drop . The boys were back but boy were they being quiet .

"Well we did have a lot to talk about . I told my best friend about how upset I was not going to Scandanavia an d how I am going to miss my September holiday and he told me about his latest trip to see Nanty Carys and Nuncle Les . " After something to eat we headed off to walk to the Accy . The Aqueduct is famous and has 18 arches which carry the canal over the Dee Valley . The cast iron basin is filled with water and boats cruise across the highest canal aqueduct in the world . It took ten years to design and build and is 12 foot wide . The view from the top is breathtaking and not for the faint hearted . Sion and Woolly set off for a long walk leaving Jo and I to catch up with more news . When the boys returned we headed to the cars . Hoping it would not be another two years until they could meet up again .

We promised them that we would really do our best to make it sooner .


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