Bodnant Gardens an absolute delight

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August 23rd 2023
Published: August 24th 2023
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Today was all about the beautiful National Trust Gardens at Bodnant. We had intended to visit there and then go on to Conway. There is a castle there which we have seen before when we’ve stayed at Ruthin with sister Liz and Graham, where there is a frequently used Lancs & Cheshire camping DA holiday site.

We never made it to revisit the Conway Castle though as we were so delighted with the Bodnant Gardens we decided very quickly we would stay all day.
We did have a slight issue getting there from the campsite and were truly grateful we didn’t have the caravan in tow as the Sat Nav took us on one of its Jollies in an attempt to cut 10 metres off our journey. We realized as soon as the road had a line of grass running down the middle that it was maybe, not the most used road in the area. The Road closed sign at the bottom of a very narrow stretch of road confirmed that and it was quite a tricky spot just to turn the car. Fortunately, we were the only car on that bit of road that day and we didn’t even meet a tractor.
We were pleased to get onto a road with a line down the middle (there are not a lot in this area) and found ourselves arrived at a surprisingly busy car park. Obviously everyone else used a different sat nav to get there.

The car park is across or rather under the road from the gardens themselves. There is a Bodnant Hall but that is private so it is just the gardens we visited. But what an absolute treat.

I am pretty sure I saw an example of every type of perennial plant which grows in Britain and the mixed perennial borders were a wonder, a superb splash of colour. Then there are rose gardens and lily pond lakes, ancient trees and something to admire at every turn. A river runs through the gardens and its level is maintained with waterfalls and weirs and sluice gates so also streams and rills and lakes. Absolutely gorgeous by the water as the river banks are lined with the most fantastically coloured blue hydrangeas.

I will say no more but just show you some photos.

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